How to create more creativity and contribution without the frustration!
??Andrea Morrison??
Raising Your Confidence and Resilience and creating a wave of change in the world of business and industry. Psychology geek, 2xTedx Speaker, Transformational Coach, Mentor & Trainer
I’ve had several conversations with frustrated managers about how they can foster more creativity in their teams where they come up with great ideas on how to move the business forward.
As leaders we all know that those who are more at the coal face ‘doing the do’ often know more about what our clients or customers need, because they are in contact with them on a more regular basis. But it can be frustrating when we bring our team together to try to come up with new ideas to be faced with a wall of stoney silence or creative ideas to avoid coming to the meeting altogether! The conversations I have often start with ‘I don’t want to be the one coming up with the ideas, I want them to be part of the process, so they know they are being heard and their ideas are valuable’ but it is frustrating if you feel that you are the only one doing the talking! This can be particularly tricky if you are managing remote teams, because being creative on camera can for some be even more of a challenge, and you may find that cameras are being switched off, microphones muted, leaving you literally listening to the echo of your own voice!
So what is the solution? Prompted by a discussion I’ve had on Linkedin and those I’ve had with clients, I thought I would share some of my top tips and myth busters to support creativity – I hope they help, I’d love to know if they do!
Myth No.1 Creativity happens on demand or on your schedule
We’ve all experienced this, a brainstorming meeting has been scheduled for one hour at a particular time. No one is feeling particularly creative, there is a wall of silence as you all look at a blank whiteboard! The meeting ends with the chair feeling frustrated and fed up, you are no further forward! However, as you make a cup of tea, some ideas start to come to you!
Truth: Our minds works better when ideas are allowed to come to us rather than forcing it to come up with ideas. To avoid this happening, create a virtual space where people can capture ideas as they come to you. There are some fabulous platforms that provide virtual white boards, post-it notes, brainstorming charts that can help capture inspiration as it arises. Ensure that you provide reminders to your team that it is available and set a deadline so that it is not open ended – just so that it stays at the forefront of their mind.
Myth No. 2 Creativity happens in a meeting room around a table
I see this a lot, after the meeting has been scheduled a room is booked that is also used for appraisals, disciplinaries, interviews, difficult meetings and the like. The chair sits at the top and everyone sits in their usual spot. I remember reading in Mary Portas’s book ‘Work Like a Woman’ how she would sit everyone around her very expensive board room table yet no one would be creative – yet around her dining room table over dinner they would come up with fabulous ideas!
Truth:? Our minds work best when it is free from triggers and is more relaxed. A trigger is simply a reminder, a mental shortcut, (think how piece of music reminds you of a memory), when you see something familiar your brain will send a familiar thought and feeling. So being in a stiff board room, people will naturally behave in a habitual way. To help reduce this know that you don’t have to hold a creative meeting in your office, you can go for a walk, change location, enjoy an activity together – discuss it over lunch! Go with what feels right for your team and that would support a relaxed state of mind. If you are connecting virtually, encourage your team to change location, walk as they engage – be curious with them about how they would feel more relaxed.
Myth 3 – if we keep at it the idea will come to us!
I’m sure this is familiar, a meeting is scheduled for 3 hours and at the end of it, there is an expectation that there will be a resolution. Initially, everyone is fired up and hopeful, but rapidly the vibe drops, there is frustration in the air, the ideas are stale and old. The chair starts to get a little cross and eventually declares ‘we can do this people no one is moving until we come up with some great ideas! The team becomes more deflated, there are longer silences, eventually when the time is up, everyone is relieved that they can leave!
Truth: State of mind matters! Our minds work best when they are relaxed and free, you will have experienced your best ideas coming to you when you least expect it, like in the shower, walking the dog or pushing a trolley around the supermarket! Your team are no different, grinding the gears of their minds and putting them under pressure simply will not work. If a meeting is feeling flat and the energy low – call time on it, it won’t be helpful if you continue, let alone creative!
Myth 4 – Ideas need to be well thought out and good!
You may have witnessed this in a creativity session, someone comes up with an idea and they are immediately shot down in flames because they’ve not thought it through, it’s half-baked and actually not that good, it’s been done in a similar way before and/or in someone’s opinion it’s just a bit rubbish! The owner of the idea then sinks into their chair and you don’t hear a peep out of them
Truth: Creativity happens when we are allowed to spark off each other, and that only happens when the space is safe and free from judgement. No idea is a bad idea and nothing is a waste of time. So often I have witnessed ‘bad’ or left field ideas sparking insights and innovation in someone else, which in turn sparks another creative thought. Before you know it you have a solution that no one imagined they would come up with. The use of anonymous posts on virtual boards can be helpful to support safe spaces and a strong chair to keep any workshop or meeting safe and supportive.
Final thoughts
?I would wager that many of you are thinking ‘yeah I know this’ but yet see that in your organisation, team or business it’s simply not done, perhaps now is the time for a change. If you would like help in facilitating a creative space and workshop drop me a message, I’d be more than happy to have a chat!
Andrea Morrison is a Transformational Business & Leadership Coach, Tedx Speaker and Writer. She has over ten years coaching experience and specialises in supporting directors and senior leaders using cutting edge psychology to enable them to reach their potential and achieve life balance.
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2 天前Love this! Sometimes it's better to present creativity as exploring original solutions to solving a problem. It doesn't have to be earth-shattering. The 2012 British Olympics rowing team explained how saving a few milliseconds here and there makes all the difference - "whatever makes the boat goes faster" was a motto I've adopted.
Project Manager
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