How to Create Mobile UI Animations That Meet Users’ Needs
Tanmoy Majumdar
Android/iOS/Software Sales| Salesforce/IoT | Merchant Payments | Remittance | .NET/PHP/Python Sales & Services
Without animation, any digital interface will be boring, and it will be difficult to portray the scope of that specific product. Animations are not only used to enhance the application's aesthetic appearance but its usability. Also, it allows people to interact with the application and provide feedback on how to improve it.
Depending on the app's category, developers may employ different animation styles. Here are the top animation styles we see every day on our mobile devices:?
1.Splash screen animation
This animation is used on the app's home screen, and a user sees it when they click on it. The home page of the Zomato app is a prime example of this animation. The main purpose of this style is to provide entertainment to users while the app is loading, thus effectively killing the chance of boredom. It responds to the user input; one has to tap the app icon to load it.
This animation only lasts for 1-3 seconds, and the movement is incredibly fluid. The animation usually focuses on elements, like the brand logo, tagline/slogan, or a specific image that depicts the brand.
Developers use it to enforce the brand image on consumers and ensure brand loyalty. In addition, it forces people to engage with the app and shows that the app will begin functioning shortly. When a user uses an updated app, he is more likely to experience this animation style.????????
2. Feedback
Feedback animation is used to convey a clear message to the user, for example, "they are taking the right steps or action while using the application." If the app involves multiple processes, then this is the best animation to use. It will inform people if they have already done a particular process or not.
The feedback animation can make the app's UX more comfortable and fluid. Examples include notifications, pop-ups, changes in color and menu style, etc. The aim is to communicate the message using visuals without using much text.
All the eCommerce platforms, including Amazon, use this style.???
3. Onboarding
When we use an app for the first time, we need some assistance while navigating or using the app. One example of this animation is the push notifications we often see while touring the app. It is used for informational purposes and is depicted using simple texts and transitions. The WordPress app is one such example of this system.????
4. Navigation
From the name itself, you can understand the purpose of this animation. That's right; it offers a guide on how to move between different navigational elements and get the best experience. Google's weather app is a classic example of this style.
The objective behind using animation is to attract the attention of the users. Therefore, a designer/ developer needs to be quite resourceful and decisive while selecting the app animations because not all these styles can be used for the same application. Because then, it will be a hotchpotch of animations, and that can drive people away.??
The image clearly shows how designers approach the process of integrating animation within the app.
●????The first step is researching, what competitors are doing, and how to excel in the department. Then they will figure out the appropriate animation and proceed to apply it within the app.
●????The visual designing process begins with prototyping (either using pen and paper or using modern software). The process will then proceed to the next step, prototyping and mockup development.??
●????The third stage comprises multiple tests to ensure that the animation is applicable for the app.?
What are the factors to consider while applying this animation??
1.Always follow the guidelines?
While applying the animation, the developer must stay compliant with the guidelines mentioned by experts. In addition, the app store also has certain criteria which one must fulfill to get the best results.???
2. Check user demands
Apart from that, the developer should check what users are asking for. The demand will change according to the niche, and the app must have appropriate animation; otherwise, the app will lose its audience.
3. Follow ethical rules
While animating, people need to follow the ethical rules and regulations and keep user demands in mind. If these rules are not followed, the app may face suspension. But, on the other hand, if the app got suspended, what's the point of working on the animation??
4. Stick to brand identity
While designing the animation, developers must stick to what the companies are trying to say. For example, a mobile app that offers fitness instructions must have appropriate animation applied on the right elements.????
5. Decide animation duration
Experts must decide the duration of a particular animation; too short, it won't attract viewers' attention. But, if it is too long, then people will be bored and ultimately leave the application.????
6. Specifications
While designing, the designer must be aware of the device and app specifications and the animation's layout. In addition, the designer must consider the style's layout.???????
7. Take care of elements
The animation must be applied to the right elements to stand out and successfully convey the message to the audience. Apart from that, one must focus on different stylistic elements and how to apply them perfectly.????
8. Status
This animation describes if the action sequence is properly done or not. One should consider different elements and their status before making any decision.?
These are the points one should consider before creating one animation for an app. In addition, experts use different tools for creating animation for apps; these are:
●????Principle and Flinto (the best tool for creating animations, especially if the focus is on creating these styles conveniently. The only downside is it does not support 3D animations).
●????After Effects (offers different animations, but it does not support prototyping)
●????Origami Studio (a free tool used for creating these styles)
●????Framer (an interactive animation maker)
●????Mockplus Cloud
●????Motion UI??
Conclusion: Animations are essential for a mobile app to ensure its success. If you are planning to get the best animation for your mobile app, then you must contact Swadesh Softwares ?