How to Create Million Dollars in Revenue...
I recently crossed over a pretty significant milestone. And I want to talk to you about a question that I’ve had some people ask me… and it is new to me… How did you create a million dollars in revenue? THAT’S the milestone! That’s what we’ve done!! We didn’t do it in three months or six months. In fact it took us four years and eight months to create our first million dollars in revenue. Some people watching this might be thinking, I did it in 12 months or less. I don’t care, I did it in four years and eight months. Some of you are going to be quicker and some of you it’s going to take longer than that. If I can give you some wisdom to stand on so that you can do it quicker that would make my heart very happy.?
SO HOW DO YOU CREATE 1 MILLION DOLLARS IN REVENUE? Because most of us, especially if you are reading this blog, would like to make more money (also, if you are reading this chances are you want to do good in the world, too.). One of my affirmations for years has been the more money I have, the more good I can do and the more people I can help which is a huge motivator. I do enjoy the benefits of having more money in my life, but I don’t love money. I love what money enables me to do. I don’t love money because I believe the Bible and it says that the love of money is the root of evil. Some people say I love money and money loves me… I can’t get behind that. I I do love what money enables me to do; the good, serving people, creating an impact in the world.?
If you’d like to make more money, I am going to give you a little wisdom… there’s no easy button to get to that level, which by the way, is probably going to take longer than you want. But when you get there, you are going to ask yourself: How can I do this better? How can I save more, invest more, or grow it? You’re going to learn a lot of lessons along the way, just like it did. I just passed the milestone recently and I am pretty excited about it. SO HOW DID I DO IT? HOW DID I CREATE A MILLION DOLLARS IN REVENUE??
Can I tell you the FIRST thing that I did? I made some decisions. I just had to make some decisions followed by action because if your decisions are not followed by action, it’s probably not a real decision.?
I took responsibility for my life. FULL. RESPONSIBILITY. I stopped playing the victim. Now, granted this might not be a big deal to some of you reading this, but it was a big deal for me because I was an expert at playing the victim. I was an expert at whining, moaning and groaning, and praying please, God, make my circumstances change. God, drop some money out of heaven. I am a little embarrassed but not ashamed. I don’t live with shame because I don’t have energy for that. But I am a little embarrassed to say I was that person that prayed for the blessing of a winning lottery ticket even though I have never bought a lottery ticket in my life.?
I learned a lot about how not to do it on my journey. And at the end of the day, the most important decision I made was taking 100% responsibility for my life, because if I was going to create a new life that wasn’t limited by the heaviness of debt, the restrictiveness of scarcity I need to make that shift. Truly, if I was going to create a new life that didn’t have those qualities, those characteristics… I needed to take full responsibility. If you want to create wealth whether it is a million or ten million or a hundred million, it starts with you taking 100% full responsibility for YOUR LIFE. And when you do that it is going to affect your business. It is going to affect your marriage. It is going to affect your parenting. It is going to affect your health. It is going to affect everything.?
Like I said, the first step to doing that was when I decided to stop playing the victim. I began to do some different things and one was that I was going to start a business. That one decision shifted EVERYTHING.?
This next step might sound a little familiar to you, but I realized as I was taking responsibility and starting a new business there were a lot of gaps in my life. There were gaps in knowledge and business experience. I was starting a business and heck, I had never really owned a business… I mean there was Keene Lawn Kare and my brother and I grew that from middle school up until we went to college… BUT A REAL BUSINESS. There was a lot of gap. So I lessened that gap and became…?
2. Obsessed about Growth
It became about making myself a better version of me. I stopped asking God to drop money out of heaven and I started asking a lot of questions: God, how do I get better? How do I learn more? How do I become the person that is able to step into abundance? A person that is trustworthy with the blessing of God? How do I become the best version of myself?
And I began to get obsessed with growing. I read books, I listened to podcasts, I went to events, I got some new friends… I remember in the first year I read seven books. One of the first ones was the Compound Effect. It was a great book for a guy who was beginning his personal development journey and that was maybe in 2015. The year that I read that book, it is part of why I am where I am today. Delivering valuable content to you that could change your life forever is because I learned that things don’t shift overnight, that I needed to stop looking for the big thing and instead start looking at the small things that I was going to do consistently over time to create lifelong change.?
Some things that I started in that year. I learned to have a morning routine. Before that I didn’t have one and at the beginning, I SUCKED at it. It was like a hit or miss situation. But it has become a staple and a part of my everyday life. And then there was reading and absorbing everything I could get my hands on. There are so many resources; books, podcasts, youtube videos… right at your fingertips. Literally. In. The. Palm. Of. YOUR. Hands. So get obsessed with your growth.?
3. Pursue Proximity
That’s what I did. I got around some new people and I invited accountability. I am telling you this is key. Some of you have heard me talking about the five decisions, but I’m giving you a new context because if you ask me… there is no easy button. It isn’t rocket science. It is the simplicity of making the right decisions and then following those decisions with actions. I decided to start getting around different people. I got some new friends and I shed a few friends that weren’t going where I was headed. They were energy vampires, they were bringing negativity into my life, they would tell me what I couldn’t do instead of telling me what I could.?
And then I got some new friends and then I joined a mastermind because one of those friends. In that mastermind, I was meeting with these guys every single week for one hour. We were pushing and challenging one another. We were becoming the best versions of ourselves. They were calling me out on my crappy excuses. They were calling out the greatness on the inside of me.??
I became a different person. If you want to level up your life, you are going to have to get around some new people and create some new relationships.?
4. Master My State
I made the decision to master my state and be honest. I didn’t even know what the heck it meant to master my state in the beginning but this is what I knew. I was a freaking roller coaster. My highs were and and my lows were low and I was good at showing up for people. But when I got home: my wife and my children would get my leftovers and I would go into these melancholy states where I was just discouraged and low energy. I would get in my head and it could last for WEEKS.?
I couldn't have framed it back then, but what I have learned is that I can master my state. What is going on in any given movement with my body, my mind and the words that are coming out of my mouth… This is what will determine the state I’m in. It determines the meaning that I give to anything and everything.?
I had to learn how to master my state. Because of that I am able to say, I am no longer a rollercoaster. There are still highs and lows because that is life, but I have learned how to create sustainable energy, energy on demand. And I live in sustainable energy filled with joy and peace. And fulfillment. I’ve learned how to do that through mastering my state and living in the moment.?
What does that have to do with building a million dollars in revenue? If you are a freaking rollercoaster, it is going to be really hard to do that. If you are dealing with head crap all day, it is going to be really difficult for you to grow your company and level up. And listen, I’m a pro living with head trash and I had to learn how to master it. I had to learn to speak words differently. I literally erased words from my vocabulary that weren’t serving me and weren’t serving my destiny.???
5. Do the Deep Work
The last thing I did, I said and I committed to doing the deep work. And when I say deep work, I mean some of that head chatter, limiting beliefs… that TAKES DEEP WORK. I learned about the values that were directing my life that I didn’t even know were there. I didn’t know that I had these rules that made it hard for me to be happy and rules that literally made it easy for me to suffer every single day. And I learned how to flip that script to create values that were clear, give myself rules that lead me to a highway of happiness instead of a dirt road to suffering. I learned how to flip the script and I am still doing it everyday!
It is an ongoing process.?
These are the five things I had to do to hit such a milestone in revenue. And those are the five things that I continue to do on a daily basis. I’ve had to get the help to get HERE. Proximity to the right people. I’ve hired coaches. I’ve gotten therapy (with the right therapist!). I’ve put myself in a community of these things. I’ve gone to events where they’ve literally helped me go through the deep work. Tony Robbins has been a huge player in my journey; helping me do some of this deep work. I’ve been in church my whole life. I love Jesus. But there were some tools that I had not learned about mastering my state and doing the deep work.?
And I frame everything from a Biblical perspective, because that’s who I am.?
I know that’s not for you, but for me Tony Robbins brought to life some of the Biblical Truths. He showed me how to live into those in a practical way. And some of my theology trumps psychological stuff but sometimes psychological stuff gives them meaningful application to theological truths. That’s what I’ve learned from some of those events and how to master my state. These are things you are going to have to do if you want to take your life where it has never been before. You don’t have to master 52 decisions, you just have to start with five.?
And if you haven’t done number one, that is a great place to start. Make a commitment right now at this moment. TAKE. BACK. YOUR. POWER. To create the life that you desire. I hope this framework hits you a little differently. I know some of you have heard me teach this. It is the framework I use for all of my coaching. This is what I DO in the communities I create. Helping people make these five decisions is my passion. I don’t just teach these, I also live into these five decisions. And when we do that, our lives are irreversibly transformed every single time.?
NO EASY BUTTON. It is not quick. This is what I do as a coach. This is what I do as a pastor. This is what I do in my own family (and I teach these to my kids because these are the decisions they are going to need to make to create the life they want). These are the five decisions that will enable you to create the life that YOU want!?
I’ve got a coaching community that I’d love to invite you into, what do we do there? We create an environment where it makes it easier for you to make those five decisions. And then it continues into the next level. We’ve got masterminds, one on one coaching, and a community! We’ve got all these different opportunities to pursue proximity, invite accountability, and create the life you want! DM or FB me for more information!!?
I love you guys, hope this serves you well! This is where you go out there and give your greatness to the world because somebody needs what is on the inside of you! GIVE IT AWAY!!