How to create a memorable onboarding experience?
How to create memorable onboarding experiences?
The onboarding process is one of the most important processes for an employee - the first days of a new job are particularly important when it comes to acclimatization in the company, as well as in terms of dispelling any doubts of the employee and proper preparation for work.
So how do you create the right onboarding?
1. Be prepared
Make sure that your new employee comes to a prepared workplace on his first day - we are talking here not only about a desk or laptop, but also details such as logins and access passwords, profiles created on all applications you use, and all paperwork or contract (it would be great to have it prepared and signed a few days before the start). This means that you will not waste time on formalities, and you will immediately start onboarding the employee.
2. Make yourself known
If your company consists of several branches, make sure that the employee has the opportunity to talk and visit each of them, or at least the most important ones - HR and accounting/payroll or the IT department. Let him ask questions and get acquainted with representatives of individual departments - so that in the future he can freely turn to them with problems. It is also important for the employee to get to know other people from the company - directors, CEOs or managers so that he has no doubts about the structure of the company.
3. Make a plan
The first days in a new job can be stressful - lots of questions, a new place, unfamiliar faces and getting to know everything all over again. Certainly, the thing that will facilitate onboarding is the previously created PLAN for individual days - make sure that the new employee does not feel overloaded on the first day, and distribute the tasks to be performed evenly, adapting them to the employee's capabilities. In addition, you will avoid clutter, you will remember what you have already discussed, let alone before you.
4. Involve the team + buddy
Even if the employee would ultimately work remotely, which is now an increasingly common phenomenon, it is crucial for him to get to know the team well. The task is difficult if you are scattered across the country - but not impossible. If you have just hired a few people, it is worth thinking about a joint integration trip, where you will get to know each other better.
Another frequently used method is to employ the so-called buddy - a supervisor of new employees, to whom they will be able to turn with questions or doubts and who will accompany them during the first weeks in the company.
5. Check-in
Although this includes the stage after the initial onboarding of the employee, it is no less important. In fact, the key post-employment issue is that you meet with new hires on a regular basis (either weekly or monthly) to make sure they are comfortable, happy and confident about their responsibilities in the workplace. Some people don't like talking about their feelings in a public forum, so it's important that these meetings are private and that the employee is reassured that their concerns are normal.
What do you think is the most important while onboarding new employees?
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