How to Create + Master Your Pitch Script
If you:
- Don’t like “promoting yourself”…
- Come out with word-salad when someone asks you what you do
- Want more clarity, clients and cash
Then read on.
In this article, I’m sharing with you how you can easily:
- Ditch the “selling”
- Be clear and concise when someone asks you what you do
- Promote your unique system, not yourself using a Pitch Script.
A Pitch Script can be your superpower.
Once you have it nailed, here are the awesome benefits:
- Be laser clear on what you do, why you do it and who you do it for
- Win more clients with your confidence and proven system
- And make more money!
ANNA OSHEROV a client of mine used her Pitch Script as a 5 minute presentation while she was giving away a door prize.
Using the script, she converted 50% of the room into her half day workshop.
Don’t hold back on doing this! It’s super powerful stuff.
It all starts with extracting your Signature System in the form of SEXY models.
A Signature System is just the way you work with your clients. It’s your OWN UNIQUE Intellectual Property.
And what makes this special is turning that into visual models.
You’ll need 4 Visual Models to make a complete Signature System.
Those Visual Models are:
- Success Model
- Educate Model
- eXcite Model
- Yes Model
Or SEXY for short.
Once you’ve got your four Visual Models in your Signature System, here’s how to tie them all together to make a pitch script that isn’t salesy but converts like crazy.
I’m going to share with you the order to present them in so that they actually tell a story.
We call this the Pitch Script.
You can use the Pitch Script in a sales conversation, a speaking gig, or in a 1-1 session with a prospect. It’s incredibly versatile.
You’ve got your four models, how do we use those to turn them into a pitch?
This is how it goes:
Excite Model: Showing Your Audience The Journey of Someone
If you’re in front of a room, we start off by saying, “Who here would like…” and insert the top of your Excite Model – that’s the goal. Start by getting engagement.
So say your ideal client is someone who wants to be a go-to expert.
“Who here would like to be the go-to expert in their field?”
And if you’re in the right room, most attendees should put up their hands.
And you can say, “Great! I’d love to share with you the journey of [Client name or pseudonym or yourself] and how he/she/they/I became the go-to expert.”
And then you show your Excite Model, which shows your audience the typical journey of someone who makes it to “success” (whatever that top part of your Excite Models is).
The aim of this is to excite and inspire your audience to take actin. To give them a story of someone similar to them who has done this before. It helps them to self-identify inside your narrative without being pushy.
Success Model: Showing Your Audience The Ingredients for Success
Now we add value. That’s the key to the pitch script. It’s not about selling. It’s about sharing and adding value.
If you do nothing else but tell your audience that there are 4 things they need to master in order to reach their goal, their desired outcome, – that’s incredibly valuable. You might have time constraints, but you’re not holding back.
Here’s how we introduce it after the Excite Model:
“And these are the keys you need to master if you want to achieve success,” and then you insert your Success Model.
Educate Model: The A-Z Process
Building upon the Success Model, next we move into the educate model. It’s all very well and good to show your audience what they need to master – that’s valuable. But you know what’s super valuable – sharing with them the steps they need to take to achieve that.
To introduce it you simply say: “And this is how you do it.”
OBJECTION! Am I giving away all my secrets for free?
If you’re doing a 5-10 minute pitch, everything is very high level. You’re not drilling down. You won’t exhaust your years of experience in 5 minutes.
What’s the point of showing them how it’s done?
This is all about building TRUST. In a world where we are bombarded with ads and promises and sales pitches from all over, it’s important to show you’ve got something to back up your words.
ANDREW EGGELTON – a presenting coach – was pitching to a real estate conglomerate in New Zealand. He’s a well known TV personality in New Zealand.
When he won the contract, he asked them why they chose him over the others.
They said “Because of your model”.
Having a model gave them trust that he knew his stuff and that their $10k contract was in good hands.
As a bonus, you’re not selling YOU, you’re talking about the SYSTEM. And it immediately increases the value of your service offerings.
Yes Model: Bringing it home with the obvious benefits
People don’t buy features, they buy benefits. And rounding out your pitch script with the obvious benefits of following that step-by-step process makes people excited and eager.
A Yes Model is usually short and sweet. It focuses in on 3-7 benefits that they’ll get when they follow that process outlined in your Educate Model.
And here’s how you introduce it: “And when you follow this proven step-by-step system, you get:”
E.g. “And when you follow this proven step-by-step system, you get: CLARITY, CONTENT, CREDIBILITY, CLIENTS, CASHFLOW AND CELEBRATION”.
You can take those four Visual Models and turn them into so many different things just by presenting them in that order and telling that story.
Get to know your models inside-out, back-to-front, so that on the back of a napkin, while you’re having coffee, you can draw those models in that order and talk through them.
LIA ZALUMS was running a workshop using her Visual Models.
At the start of the workshop, disaster struck: the power went out in the building.
She had no slide show.
But, she didn’t panic. She grabbed the whiteboard and a pen and just drew her models and taught from those.
Out for coffee with a great prospect? Grab a piece of paper. You can just draw your models and talk through those and you have the confidence of knowing you can always fall back on your four key models, no matter what.
So get to know your models inside-out and back-to-front. Learn to present them in this order and tell a story, and you will:
- Be laser clear on what you do, why you do it and who you do it for
- Win more clients with your confidence and proven system
- And make more money!
And who doesn’t want that?
Did this post resonate with you? Want to learn more about creating your own Signature System? Message me here on LinkedIn and we can discuss the best option for you.
HubSpot Gamification: Motivating Your Sales Team To Love Their CRM ?? Building High Performing Sales Cultures with $10-50M Projects Teams ?? Sales Psychology Geek ?? Co-Director at Why Bravo ?? Host of #SoundsHuman ??
5 年Looking forward to this Renee thank you
Helping organisations build the business and team You Want
5 年Thanks for breaking down your pitch model Renee Hasseldine and glad to know that Anna Osherov was able to convert half of the audience! Well done.
Audiobook and Podcast Producer author2audio, Audiobook Recording, Production, Publication, Promotion, Creation, Sound Engineer ???
5 年Fantastic advice Renee! I need help with my pitch and my pitch deck :>)
Workplace Wellness Consultant | Wellness Business Mentor | Strategic Organisational Wellness Plans | Rural & Regional Health | ICU Nurse | I'm on a mission to keep people well at work and out of hospital Keynote Speaker.
5 年So much value in this article Renee Hasseldine
Accelerate your business growth with certainty and predictability | Systems, processes, & procedures for remote staff ?? | Virtual COO & Director at Operation Verve | Loves workouts & wine
5 年I continue to find that the more value I give at every stage of my interactions with prospects through to clients, the more success I have. Being worried about giving too much in your presentation is a short-sighted view. It's your expertise that will have them coming back for more every time :-)