How to Create a Lasting Impact on Your Readers
Brandon Bufe
Holistic Academic Coaching: Empowering High School and Undergrads to Master Mindset, Strategies, and Communication for Elite Performance
Yes, you can captivate your audience with compelling narratives when you write your academic papers.
It’s not as hard as you think it is— if you know the right strategy & structure to use!
For example, learning to write statements and explanation paragraphs is a skill everyone should learn, but few have ever been taught how.
But when you can write them,? these kinds of paragraphs empower you to state your case and provide meaningful insights in the subject areas you are studying.
Statement and explanation paragraphs are your tools for making persuasive arguments and offering comprehensive explanations.?
They captivate your readers and leave a lasting impact.
Oliver was a student navigating the intricacies of Mass Communications.
He had a lot of great ideas as a result of his almost obsessive interest in social media and Digital Marketing.
The problem was that he had difficulty getting those ideas out of his head and onto the paper.
That’s when he came to me, and I showed him how to harness the power of crafting statements and explanation paragraphs to write an impactful paper.
…and here's how we did it:
Oliver kicked off his paper with a clear Statement.?
He introduced the central argument or thesis he was about to present, offering his readers a roadmap for the discussion ahead.
Next, he smoothly transitioned into Explanation.?
Oliver deftly delved into the details, providing insights, evidence, and examples to support his statement, making his case persuasive and comprehensive.
After that, Oliver and I wove together his argument with compelling narratives, statistics, and expert opinions, which we knew would captivate his readers and leave a lasting impact on them long after they forgot him and his paper.
Here's an example of what Oliver's statement and explanation paragraph looked like:
"In the ever-evolving landscape of Mass Communications, the influence of social media on shaping public opinion is undeniable. (Statement) With the rise of platforms like Twitter and Facebook, information dissemination has transformed, allowing news to spread rapidly and often with profound consequences. (Explanation) For instance, during the Arab Spring, social media played a pivotal role in mobilizing activists and garnering global support for the movement. Tweets and posts provided real-time updates and connected individuals across borders, ultimately reshaping the political landscape of the region. (Narrative) This paper delves into the profound impact of social media on mass communication and explores how these platforms have become indispensable tools for shaping public opinion in today's digital age."
So what happened to Oliver and his paper?
He couldn't believe he could finally put persuasive arguments together so easily, and his teacher wrote that she loved his “comprehensive insights” about social media and mass communication!
So, here’s why YOU should master crafting statement and explanation paragraphs… Your college professors are expecting you to be able to:
Statement and explanation paragraphs empower you to shape narratives that resonate with your audience.
And it goes without saying—an audience-centered argument separates the average academic paper from a superior one.
Ready to elevate your academic writing game?
?Share your thoughts, experiences, and concerns with writing papers that require you to create potent and persuasive arguments in the comments below.