Sylvia Baldock
#SylviaBSignificant, The Becoming More Significant Expert, Leaders and Team Engagement and Empowerment Specialist, Physical Intelligence Coach, Personal Impact Coach/Mentor, TEDx Speaker, Insights Discovery Consultant
June 6, 2019 by SylviaB 0 Comments
Are you using video to attract your ideal clients or is the fear of the camera lens keeping you invisible?
Adding video to my emails and newsletters has increased the open rate by 55%.
The stats say it all!
- Facebook has 8 billion video views every day.
- YouTube is the world’s 2nd largest search engine.
- By 2020 75% of all mobile data traffic will be video.
With 74% of us having a real fear of public speaking, and more being really scared of speaking on camera, we are missing out big time on a market that is crying out for more video content.
Don’t let your fear of the camera lens hold you back from embracing this most powerful marketing tool.
It’s time to overcome the fears, master this skill, and get your message out there via the spoken word before you get left behind!
I love video and can produce an effective video on my phone in just a few minutes and have it uploaded on YouTube within 10 minutes and shared across social media.
Having taught many people how to create impactful videos, I am always struck by how people feel they ‘should’ present to camera.
People who are naturally chatty, relaxed and friendly will suddenly lose all personality when they present to camera in a formal, ‘newsreader’ style which is anything but engaging and not at all authentic.
So think of your video as a conversation with just one person – your ideal client, and talk to them as if you are face to face.
Video enables people to get to know a little of the ‘real’ you so putting on a fake, formal voice will negate that great benefit of this powerful medium.
It’s time to take action and embrace this powerful marketing tool
I have added my TOP TIPS below, however there is nothing like some hands on practical experience to gain the confidence to take action now!
I have teamed up with professional Videographer and ex-BBC Broadcast journalist, Marisa Holden, to give you a whole day of learning, inspiration and fun creating a PROFESSIONALLY EDITED AND BRANDED video to use across all your media platforms.
Next Video workshop 20th June Click here for more information and to book on
Many people feel that every video has to be professionally shot, branded and edited to within a millimetre of perfection and the cost of this can make it prohibitive – so they just don’t do it.
While I agree that training videos and long-term videos for your website should be professionally done, there is also a real place for ‘in the moment’ footage of events you are running or attending and for those light bulb moments of insight and learning that others will benefit from.
Your energy and passion in those moments will shine through and is much more appealing than a carefully choreographed, perfectly branded, formal video.
I’d love to help you to start using the power of video to connect with your clients and prospects, so here are some top tips to get you started.
Practice and be Prepared!
Investing time EVERY time you are speaking or recording a video will help you to achieve far better results than if you wing it!
Take time to think about who your target audience is. What will grab their attention? What will keep them interested in what you have to say, and Leave them wanting more?
Being well prepared in advance will not only help you to become more focussed and targeted in your messaging, it also helps to calm any nerves you may have around speaking to camera.
How Will You Be Remembered Long After You Deliver Your Message?
- Some successful speakers employ the use of props to add more visual recall to their words.
- Other ways to grab people’s attention is to start with a powerful opening such as a great statistic, a searching question, a little-known fact or a powerful quote.
- Use humour and anecdotes to make it real rather than a stiff, highly polished presentation with no human connection.
- Finish with a powerful close – again a great quote, your strapline or a funny line.
- Doing something a little different will help you stay in peoples’ minds long after you have spoken and is far more likely to make them watch you the next time you present.
To Read From A Script Or Not To? That Is The Question!
I am a firm believer that if you need to be able to refer to notes whilst presenting and it helps you to present with confidence, then that’s OK.
Just ensure the points you wish to communicate are in bullet form and in LARGE PRINT, so you don’t have trouble finding your place when you have made eye contact with your audience!
The notes can be attached to a Tripod immediately beneath your phone so you are not constantly looking down at your hands.
Keep it brief and to the point!
People are busy and don’t have time to listen to long monologues so make it short, punchy and to the point.If you are writing your message down, a minute of delivery is about 120 written words.
90 seconds-2 minutes is ideal for keeping people engaged, obviously, if you are creating training videos then they can be as along as it takes to deliver your content effectively.
A common mistake in presenting is to try and get too much information across to your audience.
Try to focus on one area of your business.
By keeping your message simple and your call for action clear, you have a much greater chance of everyone remembering what it is you said!
Most of all enjoy it!
If you are passionate about what you are saying, your audience will listen – passion is very contagious, and people will feel inspired by your energy and enthusiasm.
In summary –
- ESTABLISH YOUR CREDIBILITY – introduction / what qualifies you on this subject
- YOUR Main Message – focus on one key point rather than a list.
Practical Tips
- Invest in a Tripod or 2 – I have a full height one and several smaller ones for different situations – even one that will wrap around the branch of a tree! Amazon has them all reviewed.
- Be in the best light possible – outdoors is excellent – just make sure the sun is on your face and not behind you.
- Similarly, always stand facing a window rather than being backlit by a window behind you which will make the video dark.
- Always have the phone HORIZONTAL and don’t be tempted to Zoom in (increases Pixels) – just stand closer.
- Facebook live prefers the phone to be VERTICAL.
- Make sure your background is clear and uncluttered.
- Put youR phone on Aeroplane mode to prevent interruptions.
- Imagine the screen is divided into thirds by 2 vertical lines and align your eyes with the top line.
- There are various Microphones you can buy to enhance the sound – again Amazon has them all reviewed.
- Have a remote control so you can start and stop the video without reaching for the phone.
Phone care
Close Apps – a reboot can clear anything that might reduce the quality of your video.
Clean the lens.
Make sure you look at the lens rather than talking to yourself on the screen.
SMILE – It’s an icebreaker, it makes you look warm and it invites people to listen and to have that initial conversation.
STRONG POSITION – Feet grounded, hip width apart, comfortable but grounded. Don’t rock from side to side.
HANDS – Where are you going to put your hands? Where are they most comfortable for you? Use open hand gestures to emphasize your points in the content.
LOOK YOUR BEST – Choose something you know you look good in! Stripes or busy detail can look strange on camera. Ladies – wear make-up, even if a little bit, it makes a difference.,
Finally – have fun with this, it is your powerful message about your unique offering to your target audience so keep it light, inject some humour if appropriate and start to enjoy the power and magic of your voice.
Join me and Ex-BBC Broadcast Journalist and Professional Videographer, Marissa Holden for a full day of learning, practical exercises on shooting your own videos on your Smartphone and a professionally edited and branded video to use across all your media platforms.
Next Video workshop 20th June