How to Create a Great Body
Julia Cammoile
Owner at B-Strong Personal Training & Fitness Gym, Online Coach & Private Specialised PT & Mentor
There are so many views and opinions out there, it can be confusing for anyone to know what is best to follow.
Basically its all about finding what works for you.
If you have little knowledge and experience, it may be worth finding a good personal trainer who can help you get off to a great start with a gym program and simplify things.
Weight training for beginners
If you are wanting to see noticeable shape change, you definitely need to incorporate a weight training workout. It's ok to workout at home but you can get more variety in at a gym as obviously there is more equipment. If you decide to do weight training or cardio workout at home, ensure you invest in decent equipment....this may not be as expensive as you think. I have come across a very good gym equipment supplier in the UK at exceptional prices - Fitness Options UK
An all round programme is best to start with. Many people to start with have a little excess body fat. A mixture of cardio and weights training is the best way how to lose weight fast, obviously along with the correct balanced diet plan too. So if this is you, concentrate on getting the excess fat down first then focus more on muscle growth or toning.
Do not think that starting weight training will suddenly "bulk you up". This will only happen if you are training really heavy and increasing your calorie and protein intake.
A good all-round gym workout and adding a post-workout protein shake in after your session will give you noticeable shape change over time as long as you are consistent.
Don't overthink or overcomplicate things!
Keep your workouts simple to start and just get into the habit of regular gym visits. Keep them short so it doesn't seem like a chore! If you are brand new to training, start with 2 sessions per week and gradually add more over the coming weeks. You need to get into the mindset of...its just now part of your week no matter what - just like any other regular commitment. Results won't come overnight, you need to be patient, enjoy your training and remember your body needs it for your health.
I will be posting more personal trainer tips, including different ways to train, cardio workouts, workouts to lose belly fat, weight training especially for women.
Online Programs
If you are looking for an online plan which provides you with motivation and support, there are many out there. I do offer online coaching myself for anyone serious about getting results, wherever you are based. Some people prefer having a PT in this way and get more support than from just an hour in person each week!
I do recommend however an amazing online program which if used consistently will give you a great transformation. Its very affordable, good for any level - beginners to advanced and really provides everything - workout program, diet advice, PT support...
Click the link see what you think: How to Create a Great Body
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