How to create a good LinkedIn profile?
Khan Muhammad
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LinkedIn is the world's fastest-growing social media for professionals. It is currently used by over 630 million users, and its popularity in Poland is also systematically growing. In recent months, it has achieved record increases in user involvement - 50% year on year (according to Microsoft data). Along with the presentation of new functions, the involvement of users in the activity on this portal grows, and thus also its potential. It is worth learning as soon as possible how to use the potential of this social medium to achieve your own business goals.
Why use LinkedIn? The most popular reason why we set up an account on LinkedIn is looking for a job or the need to change the current one. However, the opinion that there are mainly recruiters on LinkedIn is wrong. This social medium is very important not only for job seekers. It is a valuable source of industry information and current knowledge in many areas. For this purpose, it is used by company directors, presidents - business leaders. LinkedIn is also a brand communication channel - personal and corporate, and the employer's brand. This social medium can become leverage for you and your business. That is why more and more people are wondering how to complete a profile on LinkedIn. In the further part of the text, you will learn the answer to this question.