How to create a good CV for the IT industry?

How to create a good CV for the IT industry?

How to create a good CV for the IT industry?

It does not matter if you are just starting your career and are a junior, or maybe you have years of work and several promotions behind you and can call yourself a senior - a good, outstanding CV is always the key to success.

But what to include in it and how to make it readable, while remaining memorable?

1. Focus on specifics

Certainly, the long, several-page CVs are impressive - but should you include long descriptions of your interests (especially those unrelated to the position) or your achievements from primary school? We believe that what you should include is as many details and technical aspects as possible in your CV.? Especially in the IT industry, specific, technical information - the languages you program, the frameworks you use, a link to your projects, and education - are important and eye-catching for the recruiter. The CV is also a bit to show off - so show that you are a master in your profession and have the necessary knowledge.

2. Keep order

A bit of chaos has not hurt anyone yet, but in the case of a CV, it is worth making sure that it is transparent to maintain chronological order and logic. First of all, put your latest / present experience at the top, and successively add your positions from months and years ago. It is also worth putting your contact details, such as e-mail address or telephone number, on the side in a separate field or in another visible place, so that the recruiter does not have to search for a long time to contact you. The CV photo trend is currently declining, and in the IT industry it is not necessary, but if you feel that you want to have one - go ahead!

3. Show off

As I mentioned in the first point - both the CV and the interview are occasions to show off your achievements and skills; and this applies to every industry. All certificates related to your position, projects in which you participated or which you have carried out on your own, promotions, awards, the applications you have been developing, and confirmation of skills - these are elements that should be included in the CV and will allow the recruiter to perceive yourself as a competent candidate. However, remember that a lie has short legs, and bending the truth on your CV is not the best option.

4. Use numbers

Showing and comparing specific data makes your CV more credible and emphasizes the importance of your achievements. Therefore, use the right words when talking about your career. For example - if you reduced the time needed to load the page - say specifically, by how many percent/seconds it is shortened. Were you a team leader? Great, how many people did you lead? Thanks to the appearance of the website you created, the number of visits to it increased? - fantastic, how many percent more clicks did it generate? Numbers, statistics, and data make us trust our interlocutor - so use them!

5. Match your CV to the offer

Unfortunately, a standard mistake is still sending a resume in bulk without carefully studying the specificity of the position, which results in a large number of applications being rejected. Read the requirements and needs of the company carefully and in your CV, for example in the "skills" section or in the description of your responsibilities, including what could be useful for the company.? In short - make sure that your CV is relevant for the given position! Of course, it generates a bit more time and effort, but we know from experience that customized CVs that match the offer are much better received.

What else do you think is important in creating a Curriculum Vitae in the IT industry?

Let me know in the comments!



