How to Create a Gantt Chart View in SharePoint Online Modern List Using JSON

How to Create a Gantt Chart View in SharePoint Online Modern List Using JSON

If you're managing projects or tracking tasks in SharePoint Online, a Gantt Chart view can provide a visual timeline, making it easier to track progress and dependencies. While the classic SharePoint experience had a built-in Gantt Chart view, the modern experience requires some customization using JSON formatting.

Why Use a Gantt Chart in SharePoint Online?

A Gantt Chart helps teams:

? Visualize project timelines and deadlines

? Identify task dependencies

? Improve task tracking and resource planning

Since the modern SharePoint list doesn't support a Gantt view by default, we can achieve this by applying JSON formatting to a list.

Steps to Create a Gantt Chart View in SharePoint Online

1?? Set Up Your SharePoint List

First, create a SharePoint Online list with the following columns:

  • Task Name (Single line of text)
  • Start Date (Date and Time)
  • Due Date (Date and Time)
  • Status (Choice: Not Started, In Progress, Completed)
  • Assigned To (Person or Group, optional)

2?? Apply JSON Formatting for Gantt View

To transform your list into a Gantt-style visualization, navigate to:

?? Click on View → Format Current View → Advanced Mode

Here, paste the following JSON code:

  "$schema": "",
  "hideSelection": true,
  "hideColumnHeader": true,
  "rowFormatter": {
    "elmType": "div",
    "style": {
      "height": "=if(@rowIndex == 0, '88px', '52px')",
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        "elmType": "div",
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            "elmType": "div",
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                  "title": "This task is running late!",
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                                "percentComplete": "50"
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                            "attributes": {
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                                "PercentComplete": "75"
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                            "attributes": {
                              "class": "='ms-fontSize-14  ms-bgColor-themeLight--hover ms-fontColor-themeDarker--hover ms-bgColor-' + if([$PercentComplete] == 1, 'themeTertiary', 'neutralLight')"
                            "customRowAction": {
                              "action": "setValue",
                              "actionInput": {
                                "percentComplete": "100"
                        "elmType": "div",
                        "style": {
                          "width": "24px",
                          "display": "=if( ( ([$TaskType] == 'Task' || [$TaskType] == '') && [$DueDate]< @now && [$PercentComplete] < 1 ) || ([$TaskType] == 'Milestone' && [$StartDate]< @now && [$PercentComplete] < 1 ) , 'block', 'none')",
                          "padding": "6px 0 7px 0",
                          "text-align": " center",
                          "heigth": "1.4em",
                          "margin": "2px 0"
                        "attributes": {
                          "iconName": "EventDateMissed12",
                          "class": "sp-field-severity--blocked30 ms-fontSize-14 ms-fontColor-sharedRed20"
                        "elmType": "div",
                        "txtContent": "This task is running late!",
                        "style": {
                          "width": "254px",
                          "display": "=if( ( ([$TaskType] == 'Task' || [$TaskType] == '') && [$DueDate]< @now && [$PercentComplete] < 1 ) || ([$TaskType] == 'Milestone' && [$StartDate]< @now && [$PercentComplete] < 1 ) , 'block', 'none')",
                          "padding": "4px 0 4px 4px",
                          "text-align": " Left",
                          "heigth": "1.4em",
                          "margin": "2px 0"
                        "attributes": {
                          "class": "sp-field-severity--blocked30 ms-fontSize-14 ms-fontColor-sharedRed20"
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                        "style": {
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                          "heigth": "1.4em"
                        "attributes": {
                          "iconName": "Diamond"
                        "elmType": "div",
                        "txtContent": "=toLocaleDateString([$StartDate])",
                        "style": {
                          "width": "127px",
                          "padding": "2px 0",
                          "text-align": " center",
                          "border-radius": "14px",
                          "margin": "2px 2px 0 0 ",
                          "height": "1.4em"
                        "attributes": {
                          "class": "ms-fontSize-14 ms-bgColor-neutralLight"
                        "elmType": "div",
                        "txtContent": "=toLocaleDateString([$DueDate])",
                        "style": {
                          "width": "127px",
                          "padding": "2px 0",
                          "text-align": " center",
                          "border-radius": "14px",
                          "margin": "2px 2px 0 0 ",
                          "height": "1.4em"
                        "attributes": {
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                        "elmType": "div",
                        "style": {
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                          "text-align": " center",
                          "heigth": "1.4em"
                        "attributes": {
                          "iconName": "Contact",
                          "title": "='Assigned to : ' + [$AssignedTo]"
                        "elmType": "div",
                        "txtContent": "[$AssignedTo]",
                        "style": {
                          "width": "254px",
                          "padding": "4px 0 4px 4px"
                        "defaultHoverField": "[$AssignedTo]"
                        "elmType": "div",
                        "txtContent": "[$TaskDescription]",
                        "style": {
                          "font-style": "italic",
                          "width": "254px",
                          "padding": "4px 0 4px 4px"
                "elmType": "div",
                "txtContent": "",
                "style": {
                  "position": "relative",
                  "box-sizing": "border-box",
                  "display": "=if([$TaskType] == 'Milestone', 'flex', 'none')",
                  "z-index": "10",
                  "top": "0.3em",
                  "height": "3em",
                  "left": "=  (Number([$StartDate])-Number([$ProjectStartDate])) / (Number([$ProjectEndDate])-Number([$ProjectStartDate])) * 100  + '%'",
                  "margin-left": "30px",
                  "width": "28px",
                  "color": "=if([$DueDate] < @now && [$PercentComplete] < 1, '#e72828', '#0078db')"
                "attributes": {
                  "iconName": "=if([$StartDate]< @now && [$PercentComplete] < 1, 'Diamond', 'Diamond'",
                  "title": "=[$Title] + ' - ' + toLocaleDateString([$StartDate]) ",
                  "class": "='ms-fontSize-24 ' + if([$StartDate]< @now && [$PercentComplete] < 1, 'ms-fontColor-sharedRed20', 'ms-fontColor-themePrimary') "
                "elmType": "div",
                "txtContent": "=getDate([$StartDate]) + '-' +  if(getMonth([$StartDate])==0,'Jan',if(getMonth([$StartDate])==1,'Feb',if(getMonth([$StartDate])==2,'Mar',if(getMonth([$StartDate])==3,'Apr',if(getMonth([$StartDate])==4,'May',if(getMonth([$StartDate])==5,'Jun',if(getMonth([$StartDate])==6,'Jul',if(getMonth([$StartDate])==7,'Aug',if(getMonth([$StartDate])==8,'Sep',if(getMonth([$StartDate])==9,'Oct',if(getMonth([$StartDate])==10,'Nov',if(getMonth([$StartDate])==11,'Dec',''))))))))))))",
                "style": {
                  "position": "absolute",
                  "box-sizing": "border-box",
                  "display": "=if([$TaskType] == 'Milestone'  , 'flex', 'none')",
                  "z-index": "3",
                  "top": "10px",
                  "height": "24px",
                  "margin-left": "-8px",
                  "left": "=  (Number([$StartDate])-Number([$ProjectStartDate])) / (Number([$ProjectEndDate])-Number([$ProjectStartDate])) * 100  + '%'",
                  "width": "60px",
                  "text-align": "right"
                "attributes": {
                  "class": "sp-field-bold ms-fontSize-14"
                "elmType": "div",
                "txtContent": "=(Number[$PercentComplete]) * 100 + '%'",
                "style": {
                  "position": "absolute",
                  "box-sizing": "border-box",
                  "display": "=if([$TaskType] == 'Task' || [$TaskType] == '' , 'flex', 'none')",
                  "z-index": "3",
                  "top": "12px",
                  "height": "24px",
                  "margin-left": "=if((Number([$DueDate])-Number([$ProjectStartDate])) / (Number([$ProjectEndDate])-Number([$ProjectStartDate])) <= 0.9  , '10px' , '-40px')",
                  "left": "=if((Number([$DueDate])-Number([$ProjectStartDate])) / (Number([$ProjectEndDate])-Number([$ProjectStartDate])) <= 0.9 , (Number([$DueDate])-Number([$ProjectStartDate])) / (Number([$ProjectEndDate])-Number([$ProjectStartDate])) * 100  + '%' , (Number([$StartDate])-Number([$ProjectStartDate])) / (Number([$ProjectEndDate])-Number([$ProjectStartDate])) * 100  + '%' ) ",
                  "width": "40px",
                  "color": "=if([$DueDate] < @now && [$PercentComplete] < 1, '#ff0000', '#000000')"
                "attributes": {
                  "class": "sp-field-bold ms-fontSize-14"

3?? How the JSON Works

? Dynamic Bar Width: The width of each bar is calculated based on the difference between the Start Date and Due Date.

? Color Coding: The task status determines the bar color:

  • ?? Red → Not Started
  • ?? Yellow → In Progress
  • ?? Green → Completed

? Hover Effect: Displays task details on hover.

Final Outcome

Once applied, your modern SharePoint list will display a horizontal bar chart, resembling a Gantt chart, visually representing your tasks and their timelines. This customization enables project teams to manage work efficiently within SharePoint without relying on external tools.

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