How to Create a 'Fresh Start'
Bridget Knight
Team Lead | Mentoring & Supporting | Skilled in Communication, Relationship Building, Presenting, Facilitation, & Coaching
Change is the only thing you can expect - one way or another. You may be in the midst of big personal change or you may want to purposefully make a fresh start... Here are some tips for doing just that.?
Accept change?
Starting?over means accepting you’re no longer the person you were and things are not the way they used to be.?The best you can do is accept the way things are and let the process flow naturally towards "a new way". You may find that you are no longer attracted to the same?people, things or?experiences, or that you are driven by different goals to before.?Don’t?resist the change - embrace and accept it.??As hard as it may seem in the beginning, things will fall into place.?Yes, it hurts to have to start over or make a massive change. Yes, you have probably lost - whether possessions, people, a dream, a lifestyle...?Accept what is and you will save yourself a lot of mental and emotional turmoil.?
Solve the right problem
Focus on what matters. We?have a tendency to get lost in the drama and?detail?of trying to?solve?the wrong problems. As an example - what people?say about you is not that important, but what you think of yourself is vital.?Those tiny little things you want to “solve” will soon mean nothing to you.?Don’t stress about what you can't?control - rather focus on the big picture of where you want to be, who you want to be, and how you want to be.?
Talk to somebody
When something huge is happening in your life, don't try to go it alone. Of course, you should take time to be alone and reflect and meditate on issues like gratitude, acceptance and forgiveness, but at the same time, do reach out to the people you trust. Transform your experiences into words and let them out. Not only will?you?feel better, you may also find a?surprising solution or just the courage you lack to start anew.?
Mark the occasion
Whether you're moving cities or?starting your own business, why not mark the occasion with an experience that takes you out of your comfort zone? Whether bungee jumping, doing a speech for 100 people or climbing the highest mountain you can find - doing something that requires courage?will help to remind you of how brave and determined you are.?
Limit the stuff you own
If you are moving house or experiencing a change in your living situation, now is?the perfect time to declutter.?Instead of giving so much space and attention to all the stuff you have, try to go?minimal by getting?rid of what you no longer use or need. As Marie Kondo says, if it doesn't bring you joy?or get used often, get rid of it. This goes for clothes, shoes, trinkets, crockery - all the things that clutter?your space and drag you down. Get rid of non-essential items - the more you do it, the?lighter you’ll feel.
Create new habits
If you're wanting to start afresh in a certain area of your life, such as health, fitness or productivity, start by creating one new habit at a time. First, become consciously aware of the habit you want to change and then go about it, one small shift at a time.?Stack small victory over small victory and before you know it you will have made a huge change.