How to Create a Floor Plan with SketchUp : Easy Steps
If you follow the few steps in this article, you'll find SketchUp to be a fantastic tool for completing this step of the design process.
Regardless of whether your goal is to create a 2D floor plan in SketchUp that you'll convert to a 3D model later or you just want to draught a quick floor plan in SketchUp to share with a client. Furthermore, utilizing or being familiar with AutoCAD or any other CAD tool is optional.
How to Create a Floor Plan in SketchUp in simple few steps?
Here are a few easy steps to make a floor plan using SketchUp applications:-
Create a 2D floor template first
It is advised that you utilize a template that starts you with a plan view of a top-down view for any project you work on in SketchUp. When you use SketchUp to generate a floor plan, this becomes much more crucial.
1. Select Template in the Preferences box.
2. The template will have a different name depending on whatever version of SketchUp you're using.
3. Plan View or Construction Documentation might be written there.
4. For Windows users, you must click the button in the bottom right corner to complete the process, and for Mac users, you just have to close the window.
The template of your existing file won't change any longer, but a new file will start in the new template. You won't have access to the template you require if you're using the free SketchUp web-based edition, but you may come close by selecting a top view from the Scenes menu.
Here's a short reminder on how to change your template. If you use Windows, you should choose Window from the top menu to launch SketchUp Pro. You should choose SketchUp if you are running SketchUp Pro on a Mac.
Draw the floor as per the plan
You will either be beginning with an existing floor plan in a SketchUp file or from measurements gathered in the field for the majority of your 3D projects.
Drawing the floor is the initial step after you have your dimensions. You'll need to utilize one of SketchUp's fundamental drawing tools, often the Line tool or the Rectangle tool, to do this. The most flexible tool is the line since it allows you to lay out the floor design in SketchUp by going around it dimension by dimension.