How to Create an Effective Candidate Experience: Best Practices for Business Leaders

How to Create an Effective Candidate Experience: Best Practices for Business Leaders

Only 17% of employers measure candidate experience as part of the future-looking recruitment strategies. And yet, a whopping 58% of candidates have turned down a job offer because of their candidate experience. That’s before considering the vast number of potentially excellent candidates that fall away through attrition because of the complexity of the recruitment process. In such a tight labour market, employers need to sit up and pay attention to the candidate experience they provide.

Here we look at what is meant by candidate experience, why it’s so important for employers in our current labour market, and how to take simple steps to improve it.

What is the candidate experience?

The candidate experience refers to the overall journey that a job applicant goes through when applying for a job at a company. It includes all the touchpoints that a candidate has with the company, from the initial job posting and application process, to the interview and hiring stages, the onboarding and orientation process and even rejection for those that are unsuccessful.

Some aspects of the candidate experience that can impact a candidate's perception of a company include the ease of the application process, the responsiveness of the company, the clarity of communication throughout the recruitment process, the level of engagement during the interview, the quality of the onboarding and orientation process and if unsuccessful, the way this is dealt with.

Why is the candidate experience so important to the employer?

A positive candidate experience is essential for a company to attract and retain top talent. It can impact the company's reputation, as candidates share their experiences with others and leave reviews on job search websites or sites like Glassdoor. I’ve posted several videos about the importance of reputation management on LinkedIn, it cannot be underestimated.?A poor candidate experience can also result in qualified candidates dropping out of the recruitment process, which can lead to increased time and costs associated with finding a suitable candidate.

The candidate experience is especially important in a tight labour market – like we have now, with extreme candidate shortages - because it can directly impact a company's ability to attract and retain top talent. In a competitive job market where there are more job openings than available candidates, job seekers have more choices and are often able to take their pick of different companies.

A positive candidate experience can help a company stand out from the competition and increase the likelihood of attracting and retaining top talent. Those who have a positive experience during the recruitment process are more likely to accept job offers and stay with the company long-term, which can lead to reduced turnover and increased productivity.

On the other hand, a poor candidate experience can quickly turn off potential candidates and damage the company's reputation. In a tight labour market, where candidates have more options, a negative experience can result in them quickly moving on to other job opportunities while taking their poor impression of you with them.

With social media and review sites, a negative candidate experience can quickly spread, potentially deterring other job seekers from applying to the company in the future.

So, what can you do to ensure a positive experience of your recruitment process?

1.????Clear and informative job postings and adverts

The job posting is usually the first interaction a potential candidate has with the company. Employers should ensure that job postings are clear and informative, including essential job responsibilities, qualifications, and requirements. It is also important to be transparent about the company culture and values to ensure that candidates who apply align with the company's mission and vision.

2.????Responsive communication

Employers should keep candidates informed throughout the recruitment process, including acknowledging their application, scheduling interviews, and providing timely and constructive feedback whatever the outcome. Employers should communicate regularly and respond to enquiries promptly, showing candidates that their application is important to the company.

3.????Personalised interviews

During the interview process, employers should make sure a candidate feels valued by personalising the experience. This includes having a clear and organised interview schedule, knowing the candidates CV and achievements, introducing the candidate to the interview panel, and allowing time for candidates to ask questions.

4.????Comprehensive induction and onboarding process

The onboarding process is the final stage of the candidate experience, and it is essential for creating a lasting impression. Employers should have a comprehensive onboarding process that includes introducing the new starter to the company's culture, values, and policies. Employers should also provide the necessary management time, resources and training for the new starter to be successful in their new role and assimilate quickly to the job and workplace. These are the foundations your new employee’s success are built on and their importance cannot be underestimated.

5.????Timely feedback

Candidates appreciate timely feedback, whether they are successful in their application or not. Employers should provide feedback within a reasonable time frame and provide clear and constructive feedback, which can help candidates hone their skills and increase their chances of success in future applications. You might not want the candidate, but you want to leave them with a positive impression of you.

6.????Employer branding

A strong employer brand can help companies attract top talent. Employers should ensure that their branding is consistent across all platforms, including the company website, social media, and any other channel. The branding should be focused on the company culture, values, and mission, highlighting what makes the company unique and a great place to work.

7.????Candidate feedback

Employers can also improve the candidate experience by gathering feedback from candidates. This can be done through surveys, interviews, or focus groups. If you use a recruitment agency or executive search firm, they can also provide valuable insights. Employers can use the feedback to identify areas of improvement and make changes that can enhance the candidate experience.?Fresh eyes can often see things differently, so candidate feedback is a great opportunity for a company to see beyond the norms.


Technology can also play a role in improving the candidate experience. Employers can use technology to automate some recruitment processes, making it easier for candidates to apply, receive updates, and schedule interviews. Technology can also provide a better candidate experience by making the recruitment process more streamlined and efficient. A word of warning though, technology only works when thought has gone into the initial implementation.

Use the experts to improve the candidate experience

Finally, using a recruitment expert, such as us, can improve the candidate experience and maintain the company reputation.

Recruitment specialists can provide a personalised candidate experience. They can help to create clear and informative job postings and provide insights into the current job market, including salary benchmarks and candidate availability, give candidates feedback and more.

The support for employers throughout the process, from start to finish, saves the employer time and resources and ensures that the recruitment process is streamlined and efficient, thus protecting and enhancing the employer’s brand reputation.

Get in touch to let us help improve your candidate experience for senior roles. Of course, it’s imperative at all levels, but particularly important at executive levels where passive candidates need an exceptional impression of your company.

Keep an eye out for our next article which will be published in April. In the meantime, keep abreast of industry news and discussion on LinkedIn with our short burst videos/posts. You can sign up to the First Executive Newsletter on our website to keep on top of the latest news, trends and talent planning within UK Based Engineering & Manufacturing. Follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook

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Vanessa Strong

Founder at By Appointment Africa

1 年

I agree Sharon- candidate experience is so incredibly important!!

Lateef "The Networking Ninja" ?? ?? Badat MSc

Growing people and businesses through the power of Shout Network, Shout Exhibitions, Fully Funded Business Support | Unique one to one business coaching, mentoring & advice | SFEDI / IOEE Business Advisor / Mentor

1 年

This is excellent Sharon Seville (Fellow REC) Finding Talented Leaders for Businesses You article goes a lot further.. ????????

Great article Sharon????

Steve Witkiewicz

The R&D Guy – helping business owners to reduce their Corporation Tax since 2012. Let me help you - it all starts with a conversation…??

1 年

I suspect we’ve all had mixed experiences with regards to job hunting (good and not so good) over the years. I know I have.

Josianne Pisani

Inspiring people through education. Teacher, Teacher Trainer, Materials Writer & SEN coach

1 年


