How To: Create & Download Cash Receipts
Invoice Home Inc.
Our mission is to contribute to the success of small businesses, entrepreneurs, and freelancers, one invoice at a time.
When your customer pays in cash, issue a cash receipt. Create and send these smaller, simpler receipts whenever you receive a payment from your customers. Once you set your invoice as paid, Invoice Home will automatically issue a cash receipt.
Send this auto-generated receipt to your customers to confirm you’ve marked their invoice as paid. And for our users on the free plan, don’t worry! This auto-generated cash receipt won’t count towards your monthly limit.
Additionally, create a cash receipt, regardless of how your customer pays. You can issue this receipt if your customer pays with card, check, money order, or other and be able to enter in your custom form of payment. The payment method will then be reflected on the receipt. This can include options such as bank transfer and online payment.
Whenever an invoice is marked as paid, your receipt will be automatically generated for you to download for your records!
All you have to do is click “Download Cash Receipt!” Here’s how:
How to Create and Download a Cash Receipt
1. After signing in to Invoice Home, click on an invoice from "My Documents."
2. Click the "payments" tab.
3. Click "Set as Paid" and input the payment.
4. Select the payment method from the drop down menu
5. Click "Save Payment."
6. Click "Download Cash Receipt."
The cash receipt will be downloaded as a PDF and will appear in your browser's downloads.
That's it! You now know how to generate and download cash receipts.
For all of your Invoicing needs, Invoice Home has you covered. Click here to learn more: