How to create docker pull secret in helm
docker pull secret is a part of helm charts that is necessary to use specially it usable for docker private registries.
In this artice we are going to create a simple helm chart and add a secret template for docker private registry configuration and credentials.
1- create a simple helm chart using the command:
helm create myapp
2- create secret template for docker private registry:
cd myapp
touch templates/dockerpullsecret.yaml
the file dockerpullsecret.yaml should be like:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: {{ }}
.dockerconfigjson: {{ .Values.dockerPullSecret.auth | b64enc | quote }}
to login to the private registry you need to have username and password.
we can use their values in helm, but its is necessary to encode them by running:
echo -n 'username:password' | base64
3- change values.yaml file and pass the dockerPullSecret configs and place output of bas64 command in auth section in dockerpullsecret:
name: "mydockersecret"
auth: |
"auths": {
"": {
"auth": "dXNlcjpwYXNz"
after adding these line, there is another step to do.
you need to add your secret to helm values. so helm can use it to pull private docker images:
- name: mydockersecret
this part(imagePullSecrets) is exist in helm charts and you just need to add your custom secret to it.
be careful about the synatx of it. it should be just like the config that is mentioned.
Now you are done with creating secret in helm. your custom secret is going to be created by running:
helm install myrelease ./
#or if you are in parent directory, use:
helm install -n namespace myrelease -f myapp/values.yaml
You can check your secret by running:
kubectl get secrets
and also you can describe it
kubectl describe secrets mydockersecret -o wide
Now you are done with creating docker pull secret and its possible to pull private registry images and run you custom pods.
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