How to create Digital Transformation strategy?

How to create Digital Transformation strategy?

The purpose of this #strategy is to create value for customers/stakeholders by adapting the latest technologies which will transform the way of business operate.

1.??????Mapping your Digital Transformation Strategy:

At the first point, any organization need to identify their needs and which #technology can fit with them based on organization’s vision.

To build up a clear roadmap for the Digital Transformation strategy then need to be consider at least a five years plan.

2.??????Align with the current environment:

Many of the current organizations are not paying attention to their existing environment. Cause many of the decision-makers are demanding very high without considering whether the new technology will fit with their environment or not.

Also, many organizations get failed while implementing any digital transformation plan because they are digitized too quickly. According to Forbes , 84% of the organization are getting fail due to a unidirectional approach to driving such projects.

3.??????Prepare your environment for culture change:

Today everyone is enthusiastic about moving their organization from Digitize to Digitalize but implementing such a strategy/plan is getting critical to the cultural change where this must be happening on a proper plan without implementing everything one time.

4.??????Start with your needs based on the strategic plan:

The digital transformation plan is a journey for proving, the concept of the transformation strategy where the organization along with the vendor “who owns the technology” need to work closely by figuring out the current environment cost to provide the Return on Investment “ROI”.

5.??????Map out the proper technology:

With the foundation being built upon this plan then the proper technology is becoming a necessary tool to support/help any organization with its outcomes.

Here are the top Digital Transformation options that can be implemented at #2023:

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“It might one of these options already available with your organization, but a missing option can be a real value”.

6.??????Seek for the best partner:

Looking for the best partner that it’s not mean that they do have the best technology. But you need to look at the experiences and availability and how the partner/vendor can support you with your Digital Transformation Strategy.

Here are some of the questions that need to be considered before implementing your technology with the preferable partner:

·??????How will this vendor/partner support me in scaling my strategy?

·??????Does this vendor/partner have the right team to support me on the ground?

·??????How will this vendor/partner integrate with existing technology?

·??????Do they have the right technology and expertise on the specific use cases or industry?

7.??????Gather feedback and Transform:

At the last point, we have a clear vision of the #Digital_Transformation strategy by identifying the best technology. But before moving ahead with this strategy/plan need to define the #Key_Performance_Indicator “KPI” for each project and align with all parties involved in each project.


