It took me several years to understand how to create a difference. It is applicable to anything in our lives. Business, love and friendship... This article contains 12 principles from my brief notes on finding ways to create a difference.
- Instead of complaining, let the next generations not complain. By simply complaining and not contributing to the solution, no excess value is created.
- Dissatisfaction generates success. Be hungry and open. The whole evolution works because of dissatisfaction.
- Deeply think about the question: "Which thing is 'play' for me that is 'work' for others?". Your answers are your unique selling points.
- Read at least 1 hour each day. That puts you nearly in %0.001 among all readers. If you are interested in a topic, read about that. However absurd it may be, just read. Read the classics and contemporary novels if you have interest in them. Read essays. Read about history, psychology, logic and physics.
- Do not watch motivational videos. There is not a greater motivator than yourself. And, if you feel that you have to motivate yourself, take a step back and think again. Motivation is your future self talking to you. Use it, do not force it.
- Each wound is a womb. Use any setback to take a bigger step. If you are having a terrible day, it is the perfect time to take action. Make the day remembered positively.
- People living as if their time is unlimited will be limited. People living as if their time is limited will be unlimited.
- Write down your strengths. Think deep while writing, find each strength that you have. Then combine all of them, look, and if you want to take the high road, build a product on this particular combination. Take the high road.
- "Business" comes from "busy"ness, but being busy is not a skill. Everyone is busy. It is important to understand in which areas you should be busy.
- Write down your thoughts, achievements and goals each day. Do it. Each day.
- Select mentors for you, but do not walk their path. Each path is taken only once. Do not try to copy what your mentors did. Instead, understand how they were thinking.
- Accept your creative power and your responsibility to create. Bring your creation to people, and let people desire it.
That's it. Take any of those 12 principles and act. Take even one if you can. And you will create a difference. You're welcome.