How to create daily content for your audience everywhere easily?
I was going to quit my daily videos today!
I’ve been thinking about doing them just once a week instead.
Many have said that a weekly video is good enough and that’s what top leaders do anyway.
However, as I was creating my various posts for the coming week I realized that if I created just one video a week, there would be platforms where there would be a void to fill.
What do top leaders do?
The thing is that leaders might only create a single pillar video once a week, or even once a month, but they are creating content other ways.
The other thing, is that, for me at least, I really feel that when you’re trying to grow your audience, you really need to be posting content daily.
Does that mean creating an episode every day like I do?
Maybe, maybe not, it depends.
(don’t you just love that answer lol? yeah, me neither, but it’s true)
If you can create content for all platforms n your phone, for example by taking pictures or videos and you have the time to do all that every day, then, no, you don’t need to do like me.
I bet you don’t have time though
That’s the problem for me.
I do take pictures and videos on my phone once in a while, but I certainly can’t be consistent with that on a daily basis.
Let’s face it, the most important thing to build a personal brand is to be consistent.
If you’re not consistent, your audience will not see you enough and will forget you.
So, knowing I don’t have time to do the “random” content on a regular or consistent basis, I choose to use a process that is simple to follow.
What did I decide?
I’m glad I...