How to Create a Customer Journey from Scratch
Airin Franco López
Marketing / Customer Experience / Growth / Fintech / Ex-Disney
Today, with the rise of so many new digital initiatives, we see a significant increase in the number of applications aiming to offer much simpler solutions to everyday human problems. Mobility apps, travel bookings, home delivery services, and even traditional entertainment services, all of which are now seeking to provide easier solutions through mobile applications.
In my personal experience, I worked for many years with tangible products, later transitioned to entertainment, and today I work in the services sector. The big question arises: how do the different industries we have traditionally interacted with face the reality of adapting to the digital world? While interaction and the customer journey are traditionally well-known, the way people engage with digital products is different from how they interact with traditional products. For instance, watching a movie in a theater is not the same experience as watching it on a streaming platform. The concept of engagement changes as well, even if we’re talking about the projection of the same movie.
This is why creating a customer journey from scratch is more common than we might imagine. It is necessary to fully leverage the features of the various products we interact with daily and those yet to come.
For this reason, I’d like to share a few techniques that I’ve found useful for creating journeys from scratch:
Objectives: Objectives in life, in general, are crucial. Whether for the development of a project or the creation of a customer journey, it is essential to answer questions such as:
User Persona: The next step is to understand who our user persona is. Communicating with someone with a high level of education is not the same as speaking to an audience with a lower educational level. Therefore, it’s essential to understand who we’re addressing to establish the best language and channels that will make it easier for them to understand the purpose of our communication.
Onboarding: When thinking about creating a mobile application, it’s ideal to start with onboarding that offers a simple, interactive, and useful experience. This could include:
Communication Formats: It’s important to understand the functionality of each communication channel and its possibilities for expansion, such as Inapp, tutorial videos, illustrative images, etc.
UX Design: Today, more than ever, it is essential to have design teams that specialize in UX design. They can create designs focused on enhancing the CTAs (Calls to Action) in our communication without disrupting the user’s action flow.
Testing: As I’ve mentioned in nearly every article I’ve published, when it comes to the digital environment, A/B testing becomes a key factor in refining communication and driving the growth of a digital product. Test, test, and test again – this is the key to achieving growth.
Measurement: What isn’t measured cannot be improved, and in the digital world, measurement is fundamental. Integrating platforms that allow us to iterate and test our communications is crucial.
Hope you have found this article interesting, and if you have any additional suggestions for creating journeys from scratch let me your experience in comments.?
See you next time.???