How To Create Custom WordPress Shortcodes

How To Create Custom WordPress Shortcodes

How to create custom WordPress shortcodes? What is it all about?

With the help of shortcode API, you can make your own shortcodes. You can do this by adding work to your theme functions.php template.

But, it does require some knowledge to create these shortcodes.


?? What Do You Mean by Shortcodes?

The shortcodes are the easier way of using the WordPress appliance which helps to propagate complex and dynamic process with the little input only.For instance, you may have an elemental shortcode that is wrapped around your connections to make a fine button: [button] Read More! [/button]


?? Types of Shortcodes that You Should Know!


?? Non-Enclosed Shortcodes

These shortcodes do not hold other content. The non-enclosed shortcodes occur as a single self-closed unit.

This shortcode endures as a single unit, consider it as a non-enclosed one. These shortcodes are very similar to self-closing HTML (for example: <br/> tag)


?? Enclosed-Shortcodes

Enclosed shortcodes are those shortcodes that hold the content or the other element. These resemble with the non-enclosed shortcodes. But, there is a difference between the both. They have the beginning and an end element.


?? Why are Shortcodes Liked by Everyone?

Shortcodes are considered as the stop-holes. They enable you to infuse any other code or PHP code right at a place where you need it. Once you’re open to making the shortcode markup, you’ll never backpedal.


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