Guide to Creating a Project

| Creating C++ project

1. Open Visual Studio 2022, then select New → Project. Choose CRL Empty Project (.Net Framework)

2. Modify the project configuration as needed to suit your requirements:

3. Right-click on the Project → Properties: Modify the information as shown below:

4. Add the Ares SDK to the project

Installation link for the Ares SDK

C:\\Program Files\\Graebert GmbH\\ARES Commander 2024 SDK\\Libraries\\lib
C:\\Program Files\\Graebert GmbH\\ARES Commander 2024 SDK\\Libraries\\dd_lib        
C:\\Program Files\\Graebert GmbH\\ARES Commander 2024 SDK\\Headers\\dd_inc
C:\\Program Files\\Graebert GmbH\\ARES Commander 2024 SDK\\Headers\\inc        

5. Add the static library file to the linkage


| Creating C# project

1. In the Solution Explorer, select Add → New Project. Choose the Class Library (.Net Framework) project.

2. Right-click on the Project → Properties: modify the information as follows

3. Add Post-build event command line:?

chcp 65001 echo NETLOAD $(TargetPath)> $(TargetDir)$(ProjectName).scr        

4. Debug → Start external program: Select the path to C:\Program Files\Graebert GmbH\ARES Commander 2024\BIN\ARESC.exe, and add "/b <path to .scr file>" to Start options → Command line arguments.

5. Add the following DLLs to References: Include the TD_Mgd_x.xx_xx.dll* and FxCoreMgd_x.xx_xx.dll from ARES Commander (C:\Program Files\Graebert GmbH\ARES Commander 2024\BIN).

6. Add the created C++ project to References → Projects.

Guide to Creating a Custom Entity Level

CustomEntity.h: Header file of the custom entity.

class CustomEntity : public OdDbEntity
	virtual ~CustomEntity();

    Function used to draw the Custom Entity.

    @param [in] Pointer to the OdGiWorldDraw object.

    @return \\c true if the custom entity does not have a view-dependent association with any other entity.
    Otherwise, return \\c false and the subViewportDraw function must be implemented.
    bool subWorldDraw(OdGiWorldDraw* pWd) const override;
    Optional function used to draw the Custom Entity containing associations with other entities. (May contain other entities within)

    @param [in] Pointer to the OdGiViewportDraw object.
    void subViewportDraw(OdGiViewportDraw* pVd) const override;
    Reads the DXF data for our new entity.

    @param [in] Pointer to the OdDbDxfFiler object.

    @return \\c eOk if successful.
    OdResult dxfInFields(OdDbDxfFiler* filer) override;

    Writes the DXF data for our new entity.

    @param [in] Pointer to the OdDbDxfFiler object.
    void dxfOutFields(OdDbDxfFiler* filer) const override;

    Reads the DWG data of this object.

    @param [in] Pointer to the OdDbDwgFiler object.

    @return \\c eOk if successful.
    OdResult dwgInFields(OdDbDwgFiler* pFiler) override;

    Writes the DWG data for our new entity.

    @param [in] Pointer to the OdDbDwgFiler object.
    void dwgOutFields(OdDbDwgFiler* pFiler) const override;

    Function used to apply a specific 3D transformation to the entity.

    @param [in] A transformation matrix.

    @return \\c eOk if successful.
    OdResult subTransformBy(const OdGeMatrix3d& xform) override;

    Function called to retrieve grip points for the entity.

    @param [in/out] Receives an array of WCS grip points.

    @return \\c eOk if gripPoints contain grip points.
    OdResult subGetGripPoints(OdGePoint3dArray& gripPoints) const override;

    Function called when a selected grip point is moved.

    @param [in] Array of indices.
    @param [in] The direction and magnitude of the grip points offset (WCS).

    @return \\c eOk if successful.
    OdResult subMoveGripPointsAt(const OdIntArray& indices, const OdGeVector3d& offset) override;

    Function called to retrieve snap points for the current mode.

    @param [in] The object snap mode being queried.
    @param [in] The GS marker of the subentity being queried.
    @param [in] The WCS point being queried.
    @param [in] The WCS point picked before pickPoint.
    @param [in] The WCS->DCS transformation matrix.
    @param [in/out] Receives an array of UCS object snap points.

    @return \\c eOk if successful.
    OdResult subGetOsnapPoints(OdDb::OsnapMode osnapMode, OdGsMarker gsSelectionMark,
        const OdGePoint3d& pickPoint, const OdGePoint3d& lastPoint,
        const OdGeMatrix3d& xWorldToEye, OdGePoint3dArray& snapPoints) const override;

    Function called to explode this custom entity into a set of simpler entities.

    @param [in/out] Receives an array of pointers to the new entities.

    @return \\c eOk if successful, or an appropriate error code if not.
    OdResult subExplode(OdRxObjectPtrArray& entitySet) const override;
    OdGePoint3d m_center;
    double m_radius;

/** \\typedef OdSmartPtr<CFxPIEntity> CFxPIEntityPtr
    CFxPIEntity smart pointer, used later to create the object
typedef OdSmartPtr<CustomEntity> OdBbCustomLevelPtr;        

Entity.h: Public wrapper class used to expose CustomEntity for C# consumption.

using namespace Teigha::Geometry;
using namespace Teigha::DatabaseServices;

public ref class CustomLevel : Entity
    CustomLevel(CustomEntity*, bool bol);
    This function is used to create a wrapper function to interact with CustomEntity
    void functionEdit();
    CustomEntity* GetImpObj()
        return static_cast<CustomEntity*>(UnmanagedObject.ToPointer());        

InitCLI.h: Header file declaration used to initialize CustomEntity instances.

#pragma once
public ref class InitCLI
	static void Init();
	static void UnInit();
#include "InitCLI.h"
#include "OdBbCustomLevel.h"

void InitCLI::InitializeCustomEntity()
    // If there are multiple entities, we will initialize all of them here
    #if defined _AutoCad

void InitCLI::UnInitializeCustomEntity()
    // If there are multiple entities, we will destroy all of them here

Wrapper.cs: This file adds commands and executes them along with Ares.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Teigha.ApplicationServices;
using Teigha.DatabaseServices;
using Teigha.EditorInput;
using Teigha.Geometry;
using Teigha.Runtime;
using Aplication = Teigha.ApplicationServices.Application;
namespace Wrapper
    public class Class1 : IExtensionApplication
        public void Test11()
            // Get Active Document and Database
            Document doc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
            Database db = doc.Database;
            Editor ed = doc.Editor;

            // Starts a Transaction
            using (Transaction trans = doc.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
                // Open Block Table in Read Mode
                BlockTable blkTbl = (BlockTable)trans.GetObject(db.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead);
                BlockTableRecord blkTblRec = (BlockTableRecord)trans.GetObject(blkTbl[BlockTableRecord.ModelSpace], OpenMode.ForWrite);

                CustomLevel customObj = new CustomLevel();
                // Add Solid Entity to Block table Record
                trans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(customObj, true);

        public void Initialize()

        public void Terminate()

Guide to Creating a Level Wrapper



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