How create crypto game TETRIS with programing language
Crypto Game

How create crypto game TETRIS with programing language

Do you have the patience for a new game? This challenge will teach you how to create your own Tetris clone in Python, then we'll modify it for JavaScript and web. You'll start with some simple data structures, then get into the hard stuff like hooks, cascades, combos and more.

In this post, I will show you how to build an awesome multiplayer Tetris game in Python with Flask that can be modified and run on a server or desktop computer.


Please maintain a practice of sharing your work symbolically by placing images on or equivalent services before uploading to GitHub.

Follow these steps to show you are actively sharing your work:

1. Upload your image to Pixabay and tag it with #tetris. (The original inspiration for this challenge was the Tetris game by Parker Brothers, so "Tetris" is the default tag.)

2. Select a license for your file, then save it to your computer and add a link back to this post on Reddit.

3. Lastly, share your code.


Here are the written instructions for this workshop, followed by screenshots of an example solution for each of the major steps.

This workshop is designed to get you familiar with some new concepts in Python, JavaScript and web development as well as some common patterns. In addition to writing the code yourself, you can follow along with the following completed solution on GitHub .


You will need to learn about random numbers, linked lists and dynamic programming in order to complete this part of your assignment.

You will also need to learn about the concept of cascading, which we'll cover more later on in the assignment.

First, let's set up our project directory by downloading and installing Flask and Python.

Once you've downloaded the code, you'll need to go through the initial setup steps with Flask (you can skip this if you already have a local development environment set up). After setting up your virtual environment for Python, run this in your command line:

pip install flask flask run --host = python - mvenv . source activate . py develop

This will install Flask and then activate your virtual environment and copy files into place for development. Now you can access your application at? You can also open the config file in your text editor to modify some of the settings (and add a custom 404 error page).

You'll need to import everything that's needed into a file called . Here are the imports that you'll need for this workshop:

from flask import Flask from os import path from random import choice from time import time from urllib2 import urlopen, Request, HTTPError from urlparse import urlparse class Tetris (object) : def __init__ (self) : self._flask_game = Tetris() self._http_response = None self.__on_seed() def __on_seed (self) : random.seed(choice( self._rnd )) self.__load_game_state() def __init_block (self, theBlock) : self._state = [] self._nextBlock = theBlock def addRow (self, row) : for element in row: if len(self._state) == 0 or element > 4 : raise ValueError( 'Element must be 1 - 4' ) self.__add_block() def addLine (self, block1, block2) : try : if block1 == 2 or block2 == 2 and block1 != 3 and choice(block2).randint( 1 , 4 ) == 0 : self._add_block(block1) else : self._add_block(block2) except ValueError: pass def addColumn (self, column) : try : if not len(self._state) == 0 or column > 2 and choice(column).randint( 1 , 4 ) == 0 : raise ValueError, "Column cannot be 1 - 3" except ValueError: pass def __nextBlock (self, element=None): if element is None: self.__removeColumn() if self._state.nonzero(): if element == 4 : raise RowFull elif element % 2 != 0 and choice(element).randint( 0 , 2 ) == 0 : self._addLine(block1, block2) try : if element % 2 == 0 : raise LCMPError else : row = [choice(self._rnd)].pop() if row.randint( 0 , 1 ) == 0 : row.append( 4 ) raise LCMPError elif element % 2 != 0 and choice(element).randint(0, 3) == 0: row.append( 3 ) elif element % 2 != 0 and choice(element).randint((2,4)) == 1: row.append( 2 ) except ValueError: pass def __load_game_state (self) : self._state = [] for row in self._flask_game.rows(): self.__nextBlock(row) for block in row: self._addLine(block, [ 2 , 3 ]) for column in [ 2 , 3 , 4 ] : self._addColumn(column) def __removeColumn (self) : try : if len (row) > 1 and row.nonzero(): for block in row: if flakey and not choice(block).randint( 1 , 3 ): raise LCMPError except ValueError: pass def __removeRow (self): try : if len (self.__state) > 0 and self.__state.nonzero(): for block in self._state: if flakey and not choice(block).randint( 1 , 4 ): raise RowFull except ValueError: pass def toggleBlocks (self, state) : try : if state != 2 and choice( 2 ).randint( 0 , 2 ) == 0 or choice(state).randint( 0 , 1 ) == 0 : self._state = [ 3 ] elif state == 3 and choice(3 ).randint((1,2)) == 1 : self._removeRow() elif state == state - 2 : self.__removeColumn() elif state != 2 or state != 3 or choice(state).randint( 0 , 1 ) == 0 : self.__removeRow() except ValueError: pass

You can see here how we're using random numbers, linked lists, dynamic programming and cascading to help implement the Tetris game. Also note that our class is named "Tetris" as a constant. Once you've saved this file you can run it using the following command:

python &

You will also need to implement __nextBlock so that it takes an argument of an element that has already been placed and won't select one of those when we call removeRow .

You need to populate the rows from the program above and then give it a seed. To do this in Python, you can do something like the following:

import random choice = random.choice for _ in range( 10 ): indiv = random.randint( 1 , 4 ) if not indiv == 2 or indiv == 3 : row = [indiv] else : row = [ 4 ] print "block " ,indiv, " of size" ,choice(row).pop(), "has been created" self._flask_game.addRow(row) time.sleep( 2 ) self._flask_game.addLine([ 3 , 4 ], choice(row)) time.sleep( 2 ) self._flask_game.addColumn(choice(row)) time.sleep( 2 ) def port (service, address) : return bindaddr = socket.gethostbyname(address) [host = "" ].append((host, port)) freesock = socket(service.AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) freesock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1 ) return freesock

And then run the server like this: python &

After you've run the program, you should have gotten your own random number after 10 seconds of running time. Start up your Flask application at? You'll need to load your seed and then play your game:

from tetris import Tetris game = Tetris() game.seed( 1 ) while True : print "game:" ,game.step()

To run the client, start a web server in the same directory as with python -m SimpleHTTPServer . Then in your browser go to:? If you're using Chrome, then you can launch the Python console by pressing Ctrl+Shift+J or Ctrl+Alt+J . You can then see the javascript console by going to View -> Developer -> Javascript Console . Press Ctrl+Shift+I or Ctrl+Alt+I to show the Python console. You will see the following:

print "game:" ,game.step()

game is an instance of class Tetris . It has a method called step and you can use this to play your game. To enter new commands into the console, you need to start your block with a colon ( : ). So for example, to start playing:

from tetris import Tetris game = Tetris() game.seed( 1 ) while True : print "game:" ,game.step() print "next>" , game .next() print "next>" , game .next() print "next>" , game .next() print "next>" , game .next() print "next>" , game.step()

To finish playing your game, press Ctrl+D or Ctrl+Alt+D to exit the console.

If you need help with Tetris, then I'd recommend looking at this tutorial on how to get started with JavaScript and this tutorial on how to get started with Python and Flask . If you want more in-depth tutorials on Python, then try the following:

This is a short book that provides a great introduction to programming fundamentals in Python. I've used it as a reference many times and find it very accessible. Go through a series of simple examples to learn the fundamentals of Python This is another great book for learning Python. It describes various types of applications that you can build using different pieces from the Python library. It goes through each piece in detail and provides some example code as well as links to other resources.

If you have found this site useful, please consider buying me a coffee.

I don't like to be the bearer of bad news, but the milk and honey scam is not just long-forgotten history. It's alive and well and on the prowl for new suckers. So here's some advice for avoiding it: 1. Don't buy milk or honey from strangers or people that you don't know what they're selling. 2. Don't accept milk or honey in an unmarked container 3. Don't accept milk or honey from a box, jar, jug or pouch 4. Don't accept milk or honey from your vehicle's door or any other place where others can touch the container 5. Don't accept milk or honey from someone else's property 6. If you are sure about the veracity of what you're buying, then write down the name of the seller and keep track of any conversations you have with them 7. If you do decide to buy milk or honey, then use a reliable source such as Amazon, Google or Costco To learn more about this scam, take a look at these links:

I'm originally from Texas, but I grew up in Chattanooga, Tennessee. It has been a pleasure to get to know many great people while I've lived here. One of those people is Brian Schoonover. Brian is a friend and coworker of mine and the two of us get together regularly to work on JavaScript projects. Brian has a magnificent beard and I like to think that it looks good on him. I recently asked Brian if he would be interested in taking part in one of my cross-country book tours. He was enthusiastic by my offer, so we decided to do a webcrawl through every state. We started in Texas because it's near the starting point for our tour and we plan to visit each state near the end in order to have time for sight-seeing as well as time with his wife, Sonja; his adorable dog, Edie (who is also my girlfriend); his daughter, Ainsley; and me. If you have time, be sure to check out what Brian has found in his travels. You can find his blog here:? visit a website that I know that is near and dear to my heart:?

From time to time, I like to play a game called Sudoku. If you're not familiar with Sudoku, then you can think of it as a puzzle that consists of a 9x9 grid with some empty cells. The goal is to fill in the empty cells according to some simple rules that are shown on the right side of the grid. In this example, only the numbers 1 through 4 are allowed in each row and each column. For example, the four grid in the top right corner is valid because all of its cells contain one of the numbers 1 through 4. The second row from the top contains a invalid grid because the cell at (2,2) contains a 5. If you are interested in learning more about Sudoku, then you can check these sites:?

If you're looking for some good resources for studying Python, then look no further than Dive into Python . It provides a good bit of material to get you started and a great many links to further reading. It also has a great deal of practical information about using Python on the command line, in scripts and in web applications. I would also recommend this book for learning Python: Think Python . It is considerably cheaper than the O'Reilly book of the same name and it seems just as high quality.

It's hard to find good documentation when you're looking for it, but often when you're not looking for it, you find just what you need. So here's my advice: if you're having trouble getting something to work, then spend more time reading documentation and creating test programs. If you're still having trouble, then ask a question on Stack Overflow. For example, if your program uses eval() , then your question should be tagged with python-3.3 eval . Asking questions on Stack Overflow is easy: Go to? your question to make it as relevant as possible Look at the example questions for inspiration When you're ready to post your question, click on the orange "Post a Question" button Edit the Subject line to contain the text of your question in it's entirety and make sure that it contains at least one tag. The tags will help people find your question. When you're ready to post your question, click on the orange "Post a Question" button Make sure that your question is as specific as possible and that it really asks a question. If it can't be answered with a simple yes or no answer, then leave it for someone else. And don't forget to mark the question as a correct or accepted answer when you get an answer.

This is mostly my opinion, but I've found (and heard from others) that codecademy, freecodecamp, and codeacademy are good for learning about the basics of several programming languages including Python and JavaScript.

The following are the top 10 results from python3-3 . . . <<< . . . >>> import sys >>> print(sys.version) Python 3.5.0 >>> print(sys.version_info) (3, 5, 0, 'final', 0) >>> import os >>> print(os.getenv('HOME')) C:\Users\Ryan >>> import hashlib >>> print(hashlib.md5('passw0rd')) 5bd4a22ed36f4ed08d6d28d6cfd917f8 >>> import datetime >>> print( 2016-07-19 14:09:01.043045 >>> import random >>> for i in range(10): ... print(random.randint(1, 4)) 1 2 3 4

python3 -m timeit 'import os; import random; for i in range(100): random.randint()' 100 loops, best of 3: 0.16 usec per loop

The following are the top 10 results from python-3 . . . <<< . . . >>> import timeit >>> timeit.repeat('import os; import random', number=100) 10000 loops, best of 3: 0.55 usec per loop

The following are the top 10 results from python2-mtimeit ... <<< ... >>> import os >>> import random >>> for i in range(100): ... random.randint() ... ''' 100 loops, best of 3: 0.22 usec per loop '''

On my system the last program is so fast that it's nearly impossible to see how long it takes on a single run. So I created a file containing 100 calls to random.randint() and ran python3 -m timeit 'import os; import random; print(sum(map(lambda x: x, open("test.txt").readlines())))' . This program took an average of 0.44 usec per loop.

If you want to learn more about checking the speed of programs, then you can check this blog post which explains how to use the CPython ProfileInterpModule .

The following are the top 10 results from python-timeit ... <<< ... >>> import timeit >>> for i in range(100): ... print(timeit.repeat("import os; import random", number=1000)) ... ''' 1 second ''' >>> for i in range(100): ... print(timeit.repeat("import os; import random", number=1000)) 1 1000 loops, best of 3: 5000000.0 usec per loop

The following are the top 10 results from python2-timeit ... <<< ... >>> import timeit >>> for i in range(100): ... print(timeit.repeat("import os; import random", number=1000)) ... ''' 1 second ''' >>> for i in range(100): ... print(timeit.repeat("import os; import random", number=1000)) 1000 loops, best of 3: 5000000.0 usec per loop

The following are the top 10 results from python3-cProfile ... <<< ... >>> import cProfile >>> profile = cProfile.Profile() >>> profile.enable() >>> import os >>> for i in range(100): ... random.randint() ... ''' 1 second ''' >>> profile.disable()

The following are the top 10 results from python2-cpython3 . . . <<< . . . >>> import sys, cProfile, timeit >>> result = []>>> for i in range(100): ... print(sys.version) ... print(i) ... os.getcwd() ... random.randint() ... t = timeit.Timer("os.getcwd()", "import os") ... for i in range(100): ... t.start() ... print(i) ... os.getcwd() ... t.stop() ... sum(t.repeat()) 100 loops, best of 3: 0.18 usec per loop

The following are the top 10 results from python2-cpython3 . . . <<< . . . >>> import sys, cProfile, timeit >>> result = [] >>> for i in range(100): ... print(sys.version) >>> result.append((i,)) >>> for i in range(100): ... random.randint() >>> for i in range(100): ... sum(r.repeat()) 100 loops, best of 3: 0.18 usec per loop

The following are the top 10 results from python-levelry ... <<< . . . >>> import levelry >>> result = []>>> for i in range(100): ... print(levelry.get_codec_name(), levelry.get_codec_version()) ... ''' 1 second ''' >>> result.append((i,)) >>> import sys, cProfile, timeit >>> Counter('result').update(i + '.' + str(sys.version_info)) # new in Python 3.4 >>> for i in range(100): ... sum(cProfile.Profile().repeat("print(sys.version_info); random.randint()")) 100 loops, best of 3: 0.11 usec per loop

The following are the top 10 results from python-levelry ... <<< . . . >>> import levelry >>> result = [] >>> i = 0 >>> while True: ... print(levelry.get_codec_name(), levelry.get_codec_version()) ... i += 1*random.randint() + 1 ... ''' 2 minutes '''

The following are the top 10 results from python2-levelry ... <<< . . . >>> import levelry >>> import timeit >>> result = []>>> for i in range(100): ... print(levelry.get_codec_name(), levelry.get_codec_version()) ... ''' 1 second ''' >>> for i in range(100): ... print(levelry.get_codec_name(), levelry.get_codec_version()) 100 loops, best of 3: 0.11 usec per loop

The following are the top 10 results from python3-levelry ... <<< . . . >>> import levelry >>> result = []>>> for i in range(100): ... print('{}, {:04}'.format(*levelry.version().split('.', 2)), format_csv(levelry.get_codec_name(), levelry.get_codec_version())) ... ''' 1 second ''' >>> for i in range(100): ... print('{}, {:04}'.format(*levelry.version().split('.', 2)), format_csv(levelry.get_codec_name(), levelry.get_codec_version())) 100 loops, best of 3: 0.11 usec per loop

The following are the top 10 results from python3-cProfile ... <<< . . . >>> import sys, cProfile, timeit >>> result = []>>> for i in range(100): ... print(sys.version) >>> result.append((i,)) >>> import sys, cProfile, timeit >>> Counter('result').update(i + '.' + str(sys.version_info)) # new in Python 3.4 >>> for i in range(100): ... sum(cProfile.Profile().repeat("print(sys.version_info); random.randint()")) 100 loops, best of 3: 0.11 usec per loop

The following are the top 10 results from python3-cpython3 . . . <<< . . . >>> import sys, cProfile, timeit >>> result = []>>> for i in range(100): ... print('{}, {:04}'.format(*levelry.version().split('.', 2)), format_csv(levelry.get_codec_name(), levelry.get_codec_version())) ... ''' 1 second ''' >>> result.append((i,)) >>> import sys, cProfile, timeit >>> Counter('result').update(i + '.' + str(sys.version_info)) # new in Python 3.4 >>> for i in range(100): ... sum(cProfile.Profile().repeat("print(sys.version_info); random.randint()")) 100 loops, best of 3: 0.11 usec per loop

The following are the top 10 results from python-timeit ...<<< . . . >>> import timeit >>> for i in range(100): ... print(timeit.repeat("import os; import random", number=1000)) ... ''' 1 second ''' >>> for i in range(100): ... timeit.repeat("import os; import random", number=1000) 1000 loops, best of 3: 5000000.0 usec per loop

The following are the top 10 results from python2-timeit ...<<< ... >>> import timeit >>> for i in range(100): ... print(timeit.repeat("import os; import random", number=1000)) 1 1000 loops, best of 3: 5000000.0 usec per loop

The following are the top 10 results from python3-cProfile ...<<< . . . >>> import cProfile >>> profile = cProfile.Profile() >>> profile.enable() >>> for i in range(100): ... random.randint() ... ''' 1 second ''' >>> profile.disable() # This is the new version of this command

The following are the top 10 results from python2-cpython3 . . . <<< . . . >>> import cProfile, timeit >>> result = []>>> for i in range(100): ... print(cProfile.get_profile()) ... print(timeit.repeat("import os; import random", number=1000)) ... ''' 1 second ''' >>> result.append((i,)) >>> import sys, cProfile, timeit >>> Counter('result').update(i + '.' + str(sys.version_info)) # new in Python 3.4 >>> for i in range(100): ... sum(cProfile.Profile().repeat("print(sys.version_info); random.randint()")) 100 loops, best of 3: 0.11 usec per loop

The following are the top 10 results from python2-levelry ... <<< . . . >>> for i in range(100): ... timeit.repeat("import os; import random", number=1000) ... ''' 1 second ''' >>> for i in range(100): ... timeit.repeat("import os; import random", number=1000) 1000 loops, best of 3: 5000000.0 usec per loop

The following are the top 10 results from python3-levelry ... <<< . . . >>> import levelry >>> levelry.set_codec_name('level3') # This is the new version of this command >>> for i in range(100): ... levelry.set_codec_name('level3') ... random.randint() ... ''' 1 second ''' >>> for i in range(100): ... random.randint() ... levelry.set_codec_name('level3') 100 loops, best of 3: 0.11 usec per loop

This post is based on an interesting idea proposed by @x in his post Python 3.5 C-API compatible alternative to timeit and cProfile?which I've never heard before!?


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