How to create crisp and sharp photos using Photoshop.
One of the questions I am most frequently asked is ” How can I get more crisp and sharper photos”? And I can totally relate ‘cuz when I started out, that was one of my main questions too. Imagine being able to create bright and crisp blog photos by editing in less than 1 minute. Super, right? And today, I have a tutorial to do exactly that.
In the photo below with the lemons, you can see how the lemon rinds are sharper in the right photo after applying this trick! It might be hard to notice the changes in a glance, but if you observe carefully you ‘ll that the photo on the right is a lot sharper and everything looks a lot distinct and crisper when compared to the left photo.
I am using Adobe Photoshop CS6, but don’t worry if you don’t have photoshop. You can download their free 30-day trial version here. Also, you could subscribe to their Creative cloud monthly subscription service which gives you access to photoshop and many other tools for affordable prices – here.
How To Create Crisp and Sharp Photos Using Photoshop in 3 easy steps:
Step 1: Open your photo in Photoshop by going to File –> Open –> Browse your file location. If your Layers panel isn’t open, locate it by opening Windows –> Layers (select). In your layers panel, right click on the background layer and select Duplicate layer. You could change the name of the duplicate layer – background copy or leave it unchanged.
Step 2: Keep the cursor clicked on the newly created duplicate layer. From the top menu, select Filter>> Sharpen>> Unsharp mask. This is the secret tool we are going to use to make our photo crisp and clear.
Step 3: In the unsharp mask window, play with the Amount slider to increase the sharpness of the photo. Make sure to not go overboard with very high values as it might make the photo super grainy and harsh. Find the sweet spot where the photo is sharp but not harsh and unreal. Once you are done, hot ok and save your photo.
That’s it, it is really a simple trick and takes less than 1 minute to perform but the effects are significantly crisp and sharper photos.