How to create content once and post to 14 platforms in one hour?
Jean-Serge Gagnon
Sr DevOps - Creator Active Group Users Software - LION - 16k
Did you know it was possible to create content once and post to 14 platforms in one hour or less?
I know, it seems pretty difficult since it can easily take 30 minutes or more to create content and post it to 1 platform.
It is possible though, although you need time to learn the skills to make it possible.
Obviously, when I started doing this, it was taking me more than 1 hour for sure, so let’s talk about how I got there (so you can too)
How it all started
You probably already know this but when I started, I was only posting to YouTube, Facebook and a blog.
I would record a 5-15 minute video and would take 1 to 2 hours to write a blog post.
Then I’d share it to Facebook. I would actually upload same video to both YouTube and Facebook.
Imagine, 1-2 hours to post to 3 platforms.
That was almost 5 years ago.
What did I need to learn?
As time went on, I got better at writting so the blog post took less time.
Then I started using other platforms, like Twitter and Instagram and learned those… getting back to 2 hours per content cycle.
Of course, learning...