How to Create a Challan for Salary Tax Payment to FBR
Paying salary tax to the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) is an essential compliance requirement for withholding agents in Pakistan. The process is straightforward, and you can generate a challan either by logging into your withholding agent account or through FBR’s e-Payments portal without logging in. This guide provides step-by-step instructions for both methods.
Step 1: Access the FBR Portal
Step 2: Select the Withholding Tax Option
Step 3: Enter Required Information
Step 4: Add Multiple Entries (Optional)
To upload multiple salary tax entries: Download the sample file provided in the e-Payments portal. Maintain your data in an Excel file and update it annually after the financial year ends. Ensure the data matches the prescribed format in the sample file. Attach the file while creating the challan.
Step 5: Select Tax Year and Month
Choose the relevant tax year and month for which the salary tax is being paid. For example, if paying taxes for December but making the payment in January, select December as the tax month. This ensures clear representation in tax records.
Step 6: Generate and Receive Challan
Tips for Compliance
This article was published at A Step-by-Step Guide on Creating a Challan for Salary Tax Payment