How to create a bedtime routine?
Dotty Drysdale
Helping sleep deprived mums reclaim nights by lovingly teaching your baby sleep independence | Never cry alone | 0-5 years | Online Course £149
What’s a bedtime routine?
Bedtime routine is a ritual you should repeat every evening at the same time in order to create day and night separation.
Why is it important?
A good bedtime routine can significantly improve your Little One’s sleep, especially the first and most important part of the night, and you can start implementing one when your little one’s as young as 3 months. However, it’s never too late to start! I would also encourage you to practice a short version of it for day naps.
What’s the best way to do it?
A good bedtime routine is built in a way that helps you slow down and relax in preparation for sleep. It’s best to find what’s right for you as parents and not include anything that you can’t comfortably follow everyday.
The atmosphere and quiet activities chosen should be relaxed and loved by your little one. For example, massage, sing songs, story time, chatting about your day and theirs, saying good night to their dolls, turning the lights off together etc – whatever you choose, consistency is key! Follow the exact same routine, in exactly the same order everyday to ensure success.
Why is my Little One crying on the way to their room?
If your Little One responds with tantrums, crying or seems stressed by bedtime it may be time to change or adjust your routine. Try other routines or, if they're old enough, ask what they would like to do un order to create the perfect routine for them.
Children thrive on predictability. Knowing what to expect will set you up for a successful bedtime and quality time to allow for a restful night.