How to Create Appium Automation Framework

How to Create Appium Automation Framework



We will create automation framework from the very beginning. We will use Java as our primary language, Gradle for our build system, JUnit to run our tests, ADB (Android Debug Bridge) to speedup and bypass some of the Appium's shortcomings, and Appium to help us create Android API. I will take you through the creation of every class and method but some Java knowledge is required to follow the tutorials. At the end of this tutorial you will be left with a framework that you can use in your own project!


What is Appium?

Appium is an automation tool developed by Dan Cuellar. It is capable of sending commands to your Android device (Physical or Emulator) over JSON wire protocol. So what does that mean for you? It means that you can automate anything on your Android device from changing device's settings to playing video games. Appium does not require APK to be re-build into a specialized debug APK like some other tools, Robotium for example. This means that you are working with the actual APK that will be released to your users. Appium, also, does not restrict you to working only with one app at a time. You can move between apps, system settings, browsers and approach testing however you want. In my opinion Appium is the best black box Android automation tool that is out there right now.

If you stuck around this long you are probably interested in this tutorial, you can View it on YouTube. There are number of other goodies on My YouTube Channel as well so make sure to check it out.


