How to crack Google Analytics Certification exam 2020 - Q&A Explanation [Video Tuto]
Google Analytics Individual Certification Exam -2020

How to crack Google Analytics Certification exam 2020 - Q&A Explanation [Video Tuto]

???????????????????? ?????? ????????????????. ?????????? ?????? ??????????. The exam has a lot of important concepts that you need to know to make the most of your web asset optimization using GA.

Don't do a certification for the sake of it. Get real-life learning on how to make the best possible use of your GA datasets to optimize your digital marketing performance.

In this Live session, I have appeared for the #Google Analytics Certification Exam & along with answering the questions, simultaneously discussed the answers. Links to appear in the exam, the questions paper with concepts and practical explanations are shared in the footer of this post.

On 12th April, I have hosted a session with a lovely bunch of enthused digital marketing students at

After the session I realized, this can be an amazing piece of study material, a preparation guide for those who are looking to appear in the Google Analytics Individual Qualification Exam.

So here is the full session recording. [Video Link]

In case you do not have time for the video and you want to read through, refer to the Questions and Answers in this blog post: [Article Link]

How do you approach this? How to Prepare for Google Analytics Certification Exam in 2020?

  1. You can watch the video and have a broader idea and understanding of the types of questions you can expect in the Google Analytics Individual Qualification Exam. I have explained the answers with a live demonstration in the Google Analytics Dashboard.
  2. Please do refer to the list/links to the study materials. Prepare well. 80% pass mark is pretty high a score for a beginner!
  3. Don’t just clear the certification exam to add in your CV, understand the concepts on how to use the Google Analytics data to optimize your Digital Marketing channels, plan your digital marketing roadmap and build a strategy for the future based on the insights.

If you have any queries, questions, acclaims, I am here to help! Hit me up in the comment section.

Good Luck with your Google Analytics Individual Qualification Exam.



