How a Cow Can Teach Us About Our Life Mission

How a Cow Can Teach Us About Our Life Mission

To the untrained eye, a cow in a picture is just that – a cow. A breeder, however, might recognize it as a descendant of “Kavardi,” a bull from the Indian “Ongole” breed.?The Ongole breed is the basis of the Brazilian Nelore breed which today accounts for just about every cow in Brazil. In India, Kavardi was a four-time Indian National Champion and Asian Champion, so was was acquired and brought to Brazil, where he sired thousands of descendants.?That, and the fact Brazil accounts for 25 percent of all the cows on the planet, makes the name Kavardi to suddenly have a lot of meaning.

Now, we all want to have some meaning in our lives, so most probably the first idea that comes to our mind is to create a startup, became rich, buy a big house, and retire rich in some tropical paradise, right?

However, as cool as that may sound, that will only last at the most 120 years, as that no one ever lives beyond that. So, what after that? Will we be like Arnold Schwarzenegger, who recently said there is nothing after death? So, all the stuff we created will be gone after only 120 years? Rather a sad and short-sighted thing, uh?

So, what is then a real life mission? Well, for that, we can make a comparison between Kavarti and the biblical Abraham. Both started a nation. Kavardi created the Nellore breed, and Abraham created the Jewish nation. And it is even funny that also both Abraham and Kavardi founded a nation in other countries: Abraham left his hometown of Ur in Mesopotamia to establish himself in the lands of Cana, and Kavardi left India to create the Nellore breed in Brazil.

However, to be honest, if all they both did was basically multiply. But today we only have one child, so there is little we can do, right? Now, consider this: you put 1 wheat seed in a chessboard square, and then two seeds in the following, and four in the next one, and so forth until you reach the final square numbered 64. How many seeds you will have? Easy: 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 (eighteen quintillion, four hundred forty-six quadrillion, seven hundred forty-four trillion, seventy-three billion, seven hundred nine million, five hundred fifty-one thousand, six hundred and fifteen: over 1.4 trillion metric tons, which is over 2,000 times the annual world production of wheat. So, having one child is no problem at all. In fact, let's not forget Abraham had just one son.

So this is what our ultimate mission is: to have descendants fully aware they must pass along their knowledge to their descendants until we have a whole nation. That way, we will have extended the 120 years of life to basically infinity. So, as we are usually unable to understand or believe the history of Abraham, maybe the story of a cow will.


