How COVID-19 is Spreading and Ways to Protect From It

How COVID-19 is Spreading and Ways to Protect From It

The world seems to be shaken by the pandemic outbreak. It’s been a long while since anyone has seen something like this on a massive scale. There were times when Spanish influenza, black death, and even smallpox were the cause of a lump sum number of deaths but no one ever thought to face something similar in current times.

Even with modern medicines and day to day discoveries and medical achievements, everyone was dumbfounded how to cure COVID-19. The novel coronavirus continues to spread around the world at a scary speed and doesn’t seem to stop anytime soon.

With 2,735,598 cases around the world (statistic keeps updating), there are 191,378 deaths so far while 751,730 cases have recovered.

What caused coronavirus to spread?

According to the world health experts, the strain of virus originated in bats and pangolins. The first transmission was observed in Wuhan, China. Since then it speeded from person to person.

 What makes COVID-19 potent is a cause of worry for all.

It’s a virus that co-exists in both animals and humans, meaning it can infect both. The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) is a type of coronavirus that once spread back in 2002-2003. The virus we are combating today is the second strains commonly known as coronavirus or SARS-COV-2. The disease caused by it is known as COVID-19.

Although this disease is said to be common in specific species, it’s a rare case that it spread from animals to humans. Many argue the lifestyle of Chinese people caused it to spread overseas as well as people traveled across the globe.

How it spreads?

If you get near an infected person, that’s how it spreads. It’s much similar to respiratory illnesses like flu. Bodily fluids, saliva, or mucus, if dispersed in the air (by infected person) can stick to the surface easily.

Even if you sneeze or cough the droplets get released in the air. It can enter the mouth or nose thus causing the infection to spread. But even for it to spread like this, you have to be nearby of the infected person. If you are in close contact within around 6-feet then you are at high risk of being infected.

It can be contagious for those who are at the peak of infection. Some might show mild reactions like fever or chill or sometimes shortness of breath. But it varies from person to person. Some can directly show high potential symptoms than others. 

Even if you didn’t come in contact with the infected person, still you can get infected. Remember, it sticks to the surface for long hours. Many of you can pick up the virus from certain items like a table, door handle, products on aisles, etc. This is the second reason why this pandemic is potent.

 How about if you go grocery shopping or receive a delivery at your step? Don’t you think you are still at risk of getting infected even if you keep your distance?

So far, there is no strong evidence that it can be transmitted via food. There is a slight possibility the grocery items can contain small concentrations of particles, but groceries can be disinfected.

Despite the fact diners and fast-food restaurants are shut down, takeaways are still functional. Food may not be contaminated but what about the rider? On the way, he can come across anyone on the street and can be infected. It's a questionable debate, but some reassurances had been given to people. There is much to learn with time.

Ways to protect yourself from COVID-19

A country around the world has taken bold steps to shut down businesses, schools, and markets. Will it cause depression in the economy? Most definitely, but it cannot be gotten rid of. After much learning and observations some of the effective methods are listed below;

Social distancing

The foremost and the most effective of all methods is to practice social distancing. Surely enough, it is disappointing at so many levels to not be able to attend the festivals, concerts, or world business conferences as everything got canceled. Canceling huge public gatherings was in favor of keeping people safe. If you stay at least six feet away from the other person your chances of getting infected are probably less.

Work from home

Social distancing may just not do the deed, so once businesses started to shut down for good or worse, many took the initiative to start work from home. Ever wondered how freelancers do it? Now might be the time to figure out how to handle kids and work under a single roof. Work from home can prove to be a challenge for many but it is better to be productive rather than being idle and going under duress in these conditions.

Wearing face masks

A long debate begins with the term Face Mask, about its various types and their effectiveness. Truth be told, a face mask is a protective gear (one of many anyway) and should be worn whenever you need to step out in public. Surgical masks are available to use and with it, you can even opt for a face covering shield as well. Wear gloves and keep a sanitizer with yourself too.


Do you feel sick? Or have doubts about having symptoms of COVID? Instead of roaming around even inside your home, it's better to keep yourself at a safe distance. Self-quarantine is important to practice to keep others away from the risk of getting infected. The minimum period of 14 days is required to observe the symptoms and take proper measures to eliminate the sickness. Travelers going back home are strictly advised to practice self-quarantine as well which means no visitors!


To slow the rate, it is important to use protective practices in hospitals so that doctors can take proper care of patients. Isolation may sound a little dramatic, but it is for your good. Would you rather like to see yourself in a hospital room or your bedroom? The choice is yours.


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