How COVID-19 Helps You Prepare Now

How COVID-19 Helps You Prepare Now

Why You Need Healthcare Power of Attorney Protection For You and Your Family Now

Step 1, Let’s Acknowledge The Situation 

What happens to you and your family when a health epidemic affects the entire world? 

Every country has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The global economy has vanished by a third. Each of us has been rocked in some shape or form in the wake of this unprecedented situation.

The virus seems to trigger flu-like symptoms that more than 90% of cases result in healthy recovery. Thank goodness. It’s the slight percent of cases that don’t recover that seems so scary. What’s more? The speed of the spread feels even more frightening. What if it gets worse? We feel this global dread building.

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Feels Like Pandemonium

Fear. Uncertainty. Craziness. All around the world.

Businesses forced to shut down? Governments mandating quarantine? Toilet paper sold out for miles in all directions?

How’d we end up here? Crazy town, population the whole world!

It feels like the world has gone bananas, practically overnight.

That’s the bad news.

The good news? “There’s nothing new under the sun.” (Ecclesiastes 1:9

Ray Dalio’s wise words now bring comfort. His reminder that we’re simply dealing with “another one of those.” (Ray Dalio’s Principles, #1 Amazon Business Book of The Year) 

Another one of those? That’s right. This is just another situation that has been solved by humanity before. We just need to trust that the brilliant minds leading us are finding the global solution. 

We trust the big picture is getting solved while we focus on our own, individual situations. Right now, it’s preparation time!

How does COVID-19 help you prepare? How does this seemingly scary situation actually work to your advantage?

Great questions! You’re about to find out...

Mass Media Knows How To Get Your Attention

It seems like an overload of “fear, panic, tragedy! Extra, extra! Read all about it!”

That’s right, the secret of mainstream media’s lifeblood. We’re kept on the edge of their seats. Even more so in times of crisis. The more tuning in, the greater the profits.

How does the mainstream mass media generally operate? Are they easing anxiety? Are they enhancing it?

One things' for sure, it sure seems they have the public's attention! We're practically all on the edge of our seats with,,, what's the latest? What's happening? Now what?!

Political Leaders Responding To Public Opinion

Politicians - Can we trust ‘em? Do we even like ‘em? What is it they’re actually doing?

One thing’s for certain. When the public gets roused, our political leaders get moving!

COVID-19 now seems to be firing up our leaders to take massive and immediate action!

Throughout history, mankind has created, devised, or discovered the perfect tools to meet whatever challenge it faces.

With unprecedented access to information and resources, we can see mankind’s genius in a thousand ways before even rolling out of bed in the morning.

How long will it be now before we develop the exact tools to contain this current global challenge? How long before the aftermath begins to reveal the myriad opportunities emerging from the “wreckage”?

Like a phoenix rising from ashes, new growth always sprouts from the burnt debris of a smoldering forest.

Maybe the mainstream media is fueling the blaze? And the political response seems swift and questionable with regard to civil liberties?

So what if it seems the uncertainty and panic creates unbearable discomfort? We’re humans, damnit! 

Nothing stops us from doing what we do best! Living, loving, and laughing… and it goes without saying, surviving!

How COVID-19 Helps You Now

Now to the fun. Are you ready to get blasted with a dose of actionable insights? 

We’re Not Going Anywhere, Life Will Go On

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Simply recognize what’s happening. It’s just “another one of those.” A global situation that scares us into taking the opportunity to take a step back and appreciate what matters.

Will we adapt and survive? Absolutely! We’re human freakin’ beings, baby!

So let’s start moving forward. Let’s sidestep the whole Chicken Little, sky falling down hysteria.

What can you do now? First and foremost, PRAY! Appreciate the blessings you have in your life, right now. Send loving and compassionate thoughts and prayers out to the world. Bathe your family in warm thoughts. Most importantly, send yourself the loving kindness you deserve.

Remember, what happens in the external world is always a direct reflection of what’s happening in our inner world. (See every religious text ever, the philosophies that withstood the test of time, and every single teacher in the personal development arena). 

Obviously, you’re reading this because you get what I’m throwing down. In every adversity, there’s always a seed of equivalent benefit.

First and foremost, let’s agree that all “negatives” may only just be neutral. Events, situations, and circumstances that can be interpreted “negative” or “positive” in the eye of the beholder. For example, a lioness hunts down a gazelle. For the gazelle, not a great day. For the lioness, it’s dinnertime for her and the cubs! 

So what’s the positive in COVID-19 for you? What’s the hidden blessing that you can immediately take away?

All About Connection, Baby

First and foremost, now’s the opportunity to connect closer to how God shows up in your life. Giving your troubles to God is always the fastest way through any challenging situation. Dive into your favorite spiritual wisdom to feel your soul rejuvenated.

Secondly, you now have the opportunity to connect deeper with yourself. Reflecting on what you are and who you choose to be. Check out your favorite personal development trainer to get yourself fired up!

Thirdly, you now have the luxury to remember how much you love your family. To broaden your loving connection with those you hold most dear. Give hugs, say “I love you,” and show them how much you care.

Step 2, Get Prepared

After you connect deeper to the big three: God, yourself, your family, it’s time to start thinking about getting prepared.

For starters, get your home situation locked down. That includes your physical environment, your financial position, and your estate protection. As the great Wallace Wattles reminds us, “to be great, one must first be great in one’s home.” (Wallace Wattles Classic Trilogy)

So get your immediate needs stocked up: food staples, emergency water, toiletry supplies, and cash stores. For more advanced preparation, see your favorite disaster preparation guru.

For your financial position, organize your money in the best way that gives you peace of mind. Dive into your favorite financial guru for strategies and tips to optimize your personal and family’s financial protection.

In the past few weeks, the entire planet has seen nearly a third of its wealth vanish. The global economic impact is currently beyond fathomable. The ripples throughout history will be felt for months, years, perhaps even decades.

Historically, economic depressions result in two certainties. One, the majority of the people, typically the middle class, see their net worths dramatically diminished. Two, the financially savvy make their fortunes.

It’s a fact that more wealth and millionaires have been made in times of economic depression than times of prosperity.

Who do you listen to for your home and financial preparation? Comment below to share the best sources of information at your disposal. Why not help your fellow readers? After all, we’re all in this together.

Now is the best time for Estate Protection 

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Estate Protection is Family protection. 

Now we get to your estate protection. In our other articles, we’ve discussed what estate planning is, why it’s important, and what it takes to get the process started. 

Today, we focus on one specific part of your estate planning: your health care power of attorney. To find out more about what it is and why you need it, check out this article “What You Need To Know About Estate Planning

Why do you need to get your health care power of attorney set up now? Immediately and without delay?

Because if heaven forbid, a health care disaster strikes! Maybe like it has the hundreds of thousands who’ve tested positive for COVID-19? 

The sad reality is, you can’t protect yourself from calamity AFTER it’s struck. Imagine if you could order auto insurance in the middle of a car crash? Or you could waterproof your basement in the midst of a torrential flood?

Maybe if we had a magic wand at our disposal things would be different.

In reality, protection works as a PREVENTATIVE measure. Not CURATIVE.

The challenge of being alive today is that we are plugged into a society that seems to value cures over prevention. Generally, dire situations have to happen near you to prompt action.

To get protected, you have to “go against the grain.” Take a page from the books of the Galileos, Edisons, and Ghandis of the world.

Either that or follow the herd… right off a cliff. 

Don’t listen to what “they say.” Trust in the wisdom of inspirations like Napoleon Hill. Trust those who encourage you to recognize that “day by day, in every way, things are getting better and better.” (Napoleon Hill in his famous bestseller Think and Grow Rich, and The Law of Success From The 1925 Manuscript Lessons, the unwatered down tome of wisdom that Henry Ford pulled from the shelves after deeming it too powerful for the masses.)

Bringing it back to you at this very moment, let’s talk about you and your family.

Why does it matter to seek PREVENTION rather than a CURE when it comes to your estate planning?

Get Sick? “It’ll Never Happen To Me...”

It seems that being human means potentially falling into the trap of feeling like we’re superhuman. How can we shake ourselves of this common, age-old delusion?

Let’s play a little game called imagine the worst. Let’s imagine the horrible scenario that you get sick TODAY. Not tomorrow, not next year, TODAY.

You test positive for COVID-19.

You’re delirious with fever. You can’t think or talk. The doctors do their best. And you die.

Ouch. Painful to imagine, am I right? We’re playing worst case scenario, remember?

Now imagine how your family feels? How will their lives change forever?

When a loved one dies, the atrocious burden of the situation gets piled on to all the surrounding loved ones. A sad side-effect of an already emotionally intense time. Going through the recent loss in my own family, I speak from personal experience.

With your estate planning in order, your family is covered. Without… let’s not go there. This nightmarish scenario is bad enough already.

Let’s focus on a key element in this worst case scenario you may not have noticed. “The doctors do their best. And you die.”

Why wasn’t your family involved in the decision making process to support the doctors doing their best?

Because in the worst case scenario, you didn’t have your health care power of attorney. By not taking action, you’ve given up your power to direct your own medical affairs.

Don’t Give Up Your Power

Your health care power of attorney is the way you show the world that you are in charge of your own health care. It gives clear instructions for what you want and designates the loved one you trust to make decisions on your behalf, if necessary.

Let’s say your health takes a turn for the calamitous. You’ve lost the ability to make your own decisions. Legally, you are considered “incapacitated.” 

What happens then? 

Got your health care power of attorney? You’re good.

You don’t? Hail Mary time…

Medical decisions affecting your life are now out of your hands. Most likely at the discretion of a well meaning hospital employee.

Not your predetermined instructions. Not your spouse, not your children, but a stressed out, overworked and underpaid hospital employee. 

See the challenge here? Starting to get a sense as to the dangers of not having your health care power of attorney?

Why lose out on breathing over a silly mistake of not getting your health care power of attorney in order? Why pass on to your family the burden of your premature passing simply because you didn’t do what was necessary to prevent any silly errors?

Believe me, the nightmarish picture I’m painting is only a shadow of what happens all the time across our country. 

I can personally attest. 

A few short years ago, I experienced this nightmare first hand. I witnessed my grandmother choke on a piece of steak. A tasty morsel that stopped her breathing. Thankfully, those of us on the scene were able to clear her trachea enough so she could breath and stay alive. 

Shortly thereafter, she was rushed to the hospital. There, medical professionals determined the full blockage couldn’t be removed without surgery. On file at the hospital were my grandmother’s wishes to not be resuscitated, which meant according to hospital policy, no surgery.

The hospital employee informed us that she would die within a few hours.

My mother and I looked at each other in horror. WHAT?! 

First off, how is anything of that nature on file at some random hospital? Secondly, my grandma’s wishes to not be resuscitated applied to her being brain dead. NOT IN A SITUATION LIKE THIS!

As always, God was working in mysterious ways. My grandmother’s other children weren’t there. Her other grandchildren weren’t there.

God made sure it was me and my Mom who were on the scene.

Have you guessed it?

That’s right, I’m her estate planning attorney. And my Mom’s her health care power of attorney. We immediately told the hospital officials in no uncertain terms…


The surgery was a success, and she was breathing normally again shortly thereafter! Years later, she is still alive and well to this day. She is grateful to have had more time to spend with her children and grandchildren. As her grandson, I feel blessed for the extra years I’ve had with her.

Imagine if my grandmother didn’t have her health care power of attorney already prepared? That well meaning hospital worker would have let her die. All according to “hospital policy.”

Outrageous and insane, am I right?

I share this personal story not for sympathy. I do so because it’s important to illustrate the very real danger of being without your health care power of attorney. 

I chose to be an estate planning lawyer to protect families like yours. I want you and your family to be safe, secure, and protected.

If this story saves even ONE family from the nightmare that almost happened to mine, then the effort it took me to write and publish this article was worth it.

Get Your Health Care Power Of Attorney

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When you have your health care power of attorney, the horrors that could befall you and your family become instantly averted. The legal document sets forth crystal clear instructions for any and all situations that might become an unfortunate medical reality.

Living in the age of enlightenment has countless perks. Not only do we have near magical access to information and resources, we have a legal system that has evolved over millennia!

With your estate planning documents comes your health care power of attorney that brings your legal protection from the stone age into this modern age of marvels. Not having your technologically advanced estate planning protection would be like not having an automobile or access to the internet!

Hard to imagine, am I right? Don’t ignore today’s modern marvels by not having your health care power of attorney set and in order!

Choose Your Own Adventure

Like the fun “choose your own adventure” books, you always have a choice. No matter what decision you face, you always have at least three paths before you.

  1. React unconsciously,
  2. Respond with intention, or 
  3. Wait.

COVID-19 is happening right now. Your life is happening right now. You have the opportunity to make a choice. Right now.

Allow yourself to react in the whirlwind of the pandemonium? Panicking like Chicken Little afraid that the sky is falling?

Delay in paralysis? Crossing your fingers the tidal wave misses you, or at least doesn’t hurt you and your family THAT much?

Or say NO! Make a stand, respond, and say, “I WILL take responsibility for myself and family! I WILL respond with fervor! I commit to ACTION! I LOVE MY FAMILY, and I’ll do WHATEVER IT TAKES to keep them SAFE AND PROTECTED!”

Whether it means preparing your home, your family, or your estate, what can be more important? Do you really want to lose what you hold most dear? Why even entertain the risk?

If you’re reading this now, chances are you are getting serious about your estate planning. You’re also recognizing that things do seem a bit hairy with the world’s reaction to COVID-19. 

More importantly, if you made it this far into this article, you most likely care deeply about your family. You are the kind of person who will do what it takes to ensure their safety.

When you’re ready to get things moving on your estate planning and your health care power of attorney, let’s chat.

You get a free consultation after all. Why not take advantage? 

As the old adage goes, “if it’s free, I’ll take three!”

Getting free expert advice… what’s the worst that can happen? You spend a few minutes to learn something that could make a profound difference for you and your family?

Seriously, you made it this far. Unlike 95% of the people who started this article, you actually completed it. Why lose the momentum now?

Why not take action right now? Is it worth the risk by waiting?

Schedule your free consultation. Now’s the time to get you and your family protected. 


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