How to cover up and deliver Justice! Conclusion.
Look up! Is it a Bird? Is it a Plane? No it is Superman! Yes? We have all heard this one. We have also seen self driving cars, other automobiles, drones etc. How about self "operated" Cruise Ships, Commercial Aircarafts, Hotels, Motels etc only transporting/lodging "Guests/ Passengers" live ones Only! ?
Superman's origin comes from here, so also is this particular form of doing Business done here. This "way" does not require technology nor intelligence to functon well! Proven by the fact it is built on Creativity requiring innovative ways and means that demands team work = Collaborations with Partnerships! Why and How? It's singular purpose is to genrate Growth or Profits or Both for how many? The ONE reading this knows!
This method with means is Highly Effective serving its singular purpose. How? See if you recognize the ONE above? He is pointing. With Rage or Not at you is the only Question left without an answer! Yea or Nay now you know and The ONES reading this also know the HOW & WHY only I know how many losers came out of this here?
Best Regards
santosh xavier