How to Copy Azure Blobs from one Storage Account to Another Storage Account
Abhinav Kumar Singh
Associate Principal Engineer | 7x Azure Certified | 4x Sitecore Certified | Sitecore Content Hub | Sitecore Search | Coveo | DevOps | Terraform
There are several ways of copying/move blobs from one storage account to another storage account but here i am going to discuss how we can copy blobs using AzCopy utility through DevOps pipeline.
AzCopy Utility
The AzCopy utility was written specifically for transferring data into, out of, and between Azure Storage accounts.
A key strength of AzCopy over the Azure CLI is that all operations run asynchronously, and they're recoverable. The AzCopy command tracks the progress of copy operations, and if an operation fails, it can be restarted close to the point of failure. Additionally, you can tune the performance of the AzCopy command to match the processing power and bandwidth available to your local machine.
Steps what we have to perform
Here is small caveat that Azure provides an option to create SAS token at Storage Account/Container/Blobs level. So, form where should we create SAS token?
We have to create SAS token at Storage Account level only then only we can provide proper permissions, without proper missions we can't move blobs.
Correct SAS token
If you will create SAS token at Container/Blob level then you will not get required parameters in SAS token which is required.
Incorrect SAS token
2. Create an empty YAML pipeline like below
trigger: none
??vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'
- task: AzureCLI@2
displayName: 'Archive blob-1'
azureSubscription: my-dev-subscription
scriptType: ps
scriptLocation: inlineScript
inlineScript: 'azcopy copy "" "" --recursive'
enabled: false
3. Run pipeline as per your requirement and you can also add n number of task for n number of blobs in a single pipeline.