How to cope with the fear of unknown

How to cope with the fear of unknown


This is a religious message/insight. If it doesn't represent nor interest you, feel free to neither read nor comment.

I am writing this because I am seeing too many examples of negativity and fear and hate.

It has been said by many that we are entering finally to the end-of-days / messianic times / redemption. We find ample discussion in all three large religions - Islam, Christianity, Judaism. End of days, we all identify with WORLD PEACE, SERENITY, LOVE, AND UNIVERSAL JOY.

Here are a couple of universal points to consider or reflect on:


If you are reading this you are either religiously interested or practicing. Please remember in this time to think of One Maker for All. One Creator that connects and loves and wants connection from all of us. No religion can declare exclusive rights or exclusive insights. If so, then it is worth considering to connect your own way. God loves each creature. Each item in universe.


Now that essentially all churches, synagogues, mosques and temples are shutdown, it is time to recognise that 'believe-it-or-not' each of us can connect to our Creator WITHOUT any help. Without guidance. Without leadership. Without spiritual books. Just you by yourself. Try it. You might like it.


The beauty and darkness of the internet is alive and flourishing. There are many many spiritual advices available. If they are NOT POSITIVE -- in other words, repeating again about what you or others did WRONG, or punishment, then please consider finding another source. THINK POSITIVE. THINK LOVE. THINK HAPPY. Maybe there are times for repentance, but honestly, I don't think the time is during suffering. We are ALL suffering right now.


With or without the internet, it is time to reach out and check on our friends, or acquaintances. So many are alone and scared. Strengthen them. Show love. Show caring. We are all bound equally now. The virus is on the PLANET. ALL are affected -- if ever there was a blunt message on all together as one it is NOW.


All our wars and ideologies that separate us are right now pretty much gone. We cant fight if quarantined. We cant make new wars if we are all sick. Cleanse that enemy inside. Remove the prejudices. Remove the hatred. Again, think GOOD.

With love to all,

Peace and happiness.

PS: If ANYONE wants or NEEDS anything -- a special prayer, or a talk, or just a private message for strength please reach out. I will be happy to help anyone in any language or religion.



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