How to convert Exchange EDB to PST for free

How to convert Exchange EDB to PST for free

Exchange EDB files are not so complicated to convert, if you choose the perfect solutions. But it’s necessary to understand the need. There are free methods available to convert EDB to PST, but the main part is the execution. Situation & requirement plays the main role in the conversion.

For better clarity: Your organization highly relies on Exchange Server, and you want to migrate your business data to Outlook in Office 365. Now you want to move entire data from EDB file data to PST for free. But how!

Multiple scenarios including the above-mentioned force you to convert EDB file to PST. However, this process is quite complicated because EDB file includes several crucial data of an organization.

However, the benefit from free methods for EDB to PST conversion depends on your business size & need. Otherwise, organizations must utilize advanced software that provides quick results. This article will help you to understand the process in detail.

What Leads to Convert Exchange EDB to PST?

Businesses go through different stages where they need to perform multiple actions for improvement. Conversion of EDB file to PST is not an uncommon factor for those who work on Exchange Server. There are multiple scenarios that may ask you to convert:

  • Data backup: One of the most common reasons for EDB file conversion to PST file format is to have Exchange Server backup. It will help you to recover the data during downtime or corruption to regain workflow.
  • Migration: Businesses often occupy or merge with other businesses in order to improve themselves. So, the migration of complete Exchange Server data to PST becomes crucial for easy transition.
  • Open Exchange in Outlook: If you want to open the EDB file in Outlook to view files it is only possible through EDB to PST conversion. Outlook does not support EDB file format, but PST file is easy to configure.
  • Feasibility to use: Compared to EDB format, PST file is far easier to use because it allows direct access & sharing.
  • Data recovery: Corrupt Exchange Server makes data inaccessible. Try to convert the corrupt EDB file to PST for easy recovery & integration.

Free Methods to Convert Exchange EDB to PST?

Search of simple methods for EDB to PST conversion is priority for every Exchange Administrator. It is evident that selection & execution of free methods depends on your requirement. Well, there are some free manual ways available. Check them out & choose as per your preference:

Free Method 1. Use Exchange Admin Center (EAC)

Step 1. Sign in to your EAC account as administrator.

Step 2. Click on the Recipients and select mailboxes.

Step 3. Now select the specific user mailbox you want to export to PST file.

Step 4. Click on ellipsis (…) dots above user list and select the “Export to a PST file”.

Step 5. From the list, choose 'Export only the contents of this mailbox' option.

Note: You can choose if you want to migrate the mailbox content or mailbox’s archive contents.

Step 6. Provide a specific location to save the PST file and click on Finish.

Method 2. Exchange Management Shell (PowerShell) commands

Exchange Server provide you with the inbuilt utility of PowerShell commands. It allows you to perform EDB to PST conversion easily with few commands. Follow the given commands mentioned below:

Step 1. The initial step is to find the list of Exchange Server mailboxes, use cmdlet: Get-MailboxStatistics -Database <DBName>.

Step 2. Now, use the below mentioned command to convert EDB file to PST file:

New-MailboxExportRequest-Mailbox<MailboxName>-FilePath \\ExchangeBackup\PST\MailboxName.PST

Step 3. Now you must check the conversion status with this command:


These are the free methods to convert your Exchange EDB to PST file. But their use depends on your business needs & EDB file status. Such methods are reliable for small size EDB files or to fix minor corruption.

Use Third-Party Exchange EDB to PST Converter

Free ways may fail to convert overloaded or corrupted EDB files. Unnecessary use of such methods can take too much time or even cause data loss. So, business often wants to integrate an advanced EDB to PST converter for quick results.

Kernel for EDB to PST helps you to convert Exchange EDB file to a PST file format easily. This tool provides hassle-free conversion through quality features. Convert small to large EDB files without any interruptions.

Any user can use the tool through friendly user interface. You can export entire data from primary mailboxes, archive mailboxes, and public folders as well. To understand the functionality, opt for the trial version of the tool.


Everyone using Exchange Server prefers to use free methods. Yet, the outcome from such methods may differ for users. To help your EDB to PST conversion, we have mentioned free manual methods above. You can analyze your Exchange mailbox export to PST requirements first before conversion.

When free methods fail to provide results, automated solution is the best option. So, it's better to use best Exchange Recovery software for complete solution.

Please do not do any of this.

Christian Schindler

Messaging/Identity/Infrastructure Consulting and Training. AD/Entra ID Security and Hardening. MCA/MCM Messaging, MCT. PowerShell enthusiast. Senior Consultant/Associate at NTx BackOffice Consulting Group

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Cloud Solution Architect SfMC | Canberra Branch Chief of Staff

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Scott Schnoll

Senior Product Marketing Manager for Microsoft 365 Copilot, Exchange Online, Exchange Server, Skype for Business Server, Microsoft 365 Networking, Advanced Data Residency and Datacenter Launches, and Tenant Migration.

2 天前

Sorry, but who on earth would ever want to do this? If you want to move from Exchange Server on-premises to Outlook in Office 365, you simply move the mailbox. You don't export it to PST. That will break things and provide a terrible experience, especially after you're moved to the cloud. Also, you're confusing a mailbox database (EDB file) with a mailbox, which are two very different things. I'd suggest learning about Exchange Server before posting articles that purport to give advice on how to manage data within Exchange. You're only causing problems, not solving them.


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