How to contribute limited/specific amount of storage as slave to the cluster?
In a Hadoop cluster, contributing a specific amount of storage from a slave node involves partitioning the available disk space on the node and configuring Hadoop to use that partition for storage. Here’s a step-by-step guide, assuming you are working with a Linux-based Hadoop distribution:
1. Partition the Disk:
sudo fdisk /dev/sdX
2. Format the Partition:
sudo mkfs -t ext4 /dev/sdX1
3. Mount the Partition:
sudo mkdir /data
sudo mount /dev/sdX1 /data
4. Configure Hadoop:
<!-- Example: Adding a new data directory in hdfs-site.xml -->
5. Restart Hadoop Services:
sudo service hadoop-hdfs-datanode restart
In a Hadoop cluster, contributing a specific amount of storage from a slave node involves partitioning the available disk space on the node and configuring Hadoop to use that partition for storage. Here’s a step-by-step guide, assuming you are working with a Linux-based Hadoop distribution:
These steps provide a general guideline for contributing a specific amount of storage as a slave to a Hadoop cluster.
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