How contraceptives have reduced domestic violence in my community
The DMPA training we provided empowered this CHE to meet the contraceptive needs of women in her community | Copyright of HE.

How contraceptives have reduced domestic violence in my community

Nannyonga Peninnah's physical disposition is overcome with waves of emotions as she narrates the hardships she has endured as a breast-feeding mother unable to space her pregnancy. The physical and emotional toll that comes with each pregnancy, coupled with the financial strain on an already meager household income, has exposed many of her peers to domestic violence.

There are few to little lifelines for women like Peninnah living in hard-to-reach communities. However, she considers herself to be one of the lucky few having been exposed to DMPA training when she joined Healthy Entrepreneurs as a community health entrepreneur.

Nannyonga Penninah, a Village Health Team (VHT) member from Rakai District located in Central Uganda, is now a Community Health Entrepreneur (CHE) and an advocate of family planning because it has significantly transformed her life.

” I initiated myself on family planning and it has been helpful. With this, I am now spacing my children which I was not previously doing. I can assure you that both me and my breast-feeding baby are in good health. As a result of the training, I have become an advocate for family planning”, Peninnah says with a smile on her face.

Peninnah is also championing the involvement of husbands in health talks to improve the uptake of family planning. Though the turn up is yet to be massive; those that turn up always appreciate the service. Her training on administering self-injectable contraceptives (Sayana Press) and knowledge of other family planning methods have given her the experience and confidence to have informed and productive health talks with her community.

“I am accessible because I live in the community. Members always approach me and inquire about any challenges and myths they face about family planning, and I can give them the right feedback”

This has also reduced domestic violence in the community. It was previously high due to disagreements between the husband and wife because of expenditures like hospital bills and household demands. The service especially helped the cesarean mothers to space and plan for the next pregnancy and hospital bills.

Improving livelihoods

Before joining Healthy entrepreneurs, Penninah, struggled to adequately care for herself and her family due to insufficient income.?Becoming a community health entrepreneur has improved her standards of living and household income.?Her status in the community has also risen to that of one who can provide reliable advice. It has always been her wish to give her children a good education and thanks to healthy entrepreneurs, her dream is now a reality.

“I have been able to create new friends through the clients that increase day by day and therefore I have gained trust in myself and the community at large”

As a community health entrepreneur, Peninnah’s business has greatly improved because her DMPA clients support it by buying her other product thereby giving her profits of over 6000 to 8000shs per day.

Social Impact

Peninnah’s training allows her to treat herself and family. This has minimized the medical expenses she does before now. Her model family has inspired her peers and community members to seek out health care which has been made affordable and accessible by Health Entrepreneurs.

As a VHT, I never use to have any medications which made life hard, even for my community. With this service, home visits are now more purposeful because I can now help patients with support of the call center doctor and provide medications for treatment. We can easily identify the malnourished children using Mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) tapes which in the end help reduce the death rates.

Previously as a VHT I only used to have just little medicine that would only last one week and that is if government supplied however, the narrative has changed for me and my community.

With this, the community is saved from the stress of moving from one place to another seeking for assistance. They are also able to save on time and transport costs. This is because the service is more accessible for the community.

Peninnah and her community are grateful to Healthy Entrepreneurs because the issue of unwanted pregnancies has significantly dropped in the community because teenagers around the age of 17 to 18 years have also been coming for the service of Sayana Press and oral contraceptives.?


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