How to be a content writer with no experience?

How to be a content writer with no experience?

So you want to know how to be a content writer with no experience? The digital networks, which consist of various platforms and social media channels, have opened up a slew of fresh opportunities in the content writing field.

The industry is also gaining traction, with an increasing number of businesses turning to content creation to share useful information. Is it, however, simple for newcomers to make an effect with their content?

Are you thinking about how to be a content writer with no experience and start a career in 2021? If you've always wanted to try your hand at content writing, now is the time to do it. The convenience of working from the comfort of your own home makes it a desirable job nowadays.

Furthermore, you can begin content writing at any time in your life. To begin working in the content domain, no specific age or qualifications are required.

So, if you believe you can explain any topic or notion in a creative, effective, and intelligent manner, you should seriously consider Content Writing.

What is the definition of content writing?

To express it in simple words, content writing is wordplay. You will become a great content writer if you can write loads of information and express it in reader-friendly, engaging, and informative language.

Content can be anything- it can be text, visual or audio as well. You just have to make the most of the words to express things about the business.

As a content writer, the topics will be given to you and you need to write about them. There is digital as well as printed content. You need to create content for websites, social media posts, or others.

If you are assigned to offline content writing you have to produce content for research papers, presentations, and technical papers, and so on.

But before you jump into the ocean of content writing you need to remember that it is not just writing anything and everything that comes into your mind.

Great content is built on a delicate balance of comprehensive research, crafty wordplay, sound knowledge, and, of course, outstanding vocabulary and language. Not only that, but high-quality content is never written as its whole, it demands careful editing, rephrasing, and fine-tuning to ensure that each word is precise.

How to become a content writer in India?

The striking factor about content writing as a career is that there are no conventional paths or requirements to get started. While this may seem upsetting at first, it gives you a lot of freedom because you may start content writing at any point in your career, through any path, and in many capacities. You can choose to work freelance, part-time or full-time.

But if you have a degree in literature or mass communication you can get leverage while choosing a career as a content writer. If you want to do academic content writing then it can be better to have a master’s degree in that particular subject. You must have excellent writing skills and expertise in researching if you want to excel in your content writing career.

How to be a content writer with no experience?

The following techniques can help you start up your work for better fabrication, whether you're producing blog posts, website articles, web material, or novels. Here are the steps to start content writing:

  1. Do your research

If you want to know how to be a content writer with no experience, the most important factor is you have to be in the research zone. Writing and planning should not be done immediately after conducting research. Take a moment to think about it. Research more on the topic you're going to write about as soon as you've found it. Now, more explicitly, on this subject.

Make a notepad in Evernote or any other app you like and start jotting down vital points regarding the conception. You'll always have reference pages to refer to, but you should write down your ideas on how to continue with a content piece.

  1. Skills you need to inculcate

Putting yourself in someone else's shoes and writing in a similar style is not a good way to start generating content.

Throughout your working hours, you will come across a variety of writers, each with its distinct style. You can be inspired by their style, but you are not required to emulate it. Because everyone is distinctive and has a distinct personality, they should write in a variety of styles.

You can follow any famous blog writer as they have some unique writing styles. You will have some idea how they write things in simple but gripping language. Remember your writing style will be your identity. Every writer needs that distinctiveness in their work to learn?how to start content writing online.

  1. Keep it short and crisp

Every content is tailored to a precise topic. Stick to the task at hand and don't get distracted. Of course, it's fine to point out related topics a little bit, but don't combine multiple ideas in one content piece. It will interrupt the user's reading flow.

Suppose if you're discussing how to be a content writer with no experience for your business, you could mention that you should share it on Facebook or Instagram for a wider audience. But that's all there is to it. Don't get too caught up in Instagram marketing.

Many writers feel that while editing your text, one round of changes should be devoted to removing things that aren't appropriate to the topic. It’s better to take out the sentences or words that don’t align with the topic.

  1. Content writing from a creative viewpoint

Every content you develop should have three components, the topic, the point of view, and the idea. While topic and idea are already decided before starting the content, as you are familiar with what you are going to write on. But the perspective matters the most.

Making your post or blog stand out from the crowd is as simple as giving it a makeover. To establish a dependable audience, you'll need to take a different approach.

  1. A unique title and initial paragraph gains the attention

Creating a striking title is the key point you need to remember while starting content writing. Suppose you are going through the news feed of your Facebook profile and see an article with a casual title, you won’t feel like clicking on it and reading.

But if you see an interesting article title that can easily catch your attention and you will get into that link to read it. Both the article may have the same information but the latter will appear more interesting.

Therefore, both the headline and the opening paragraph should be the most important parts of your content.

  1. Stick to basics

This point conceals a lot of information and crucial parts of how to begin creating content.

Most people may be unable to understand if you write complex sentences so keep it short and simple. Always remember your audience will read your content so make it readable for the readers.

Don't stretch the truth or give it a new definition while giving information about a topic. Let the truth be what it is. Changing and embellishing the truth can give the impression that you are not to be trusted.

If you're writing for a learner, begin by explaining everything. Just like you'd explain it to a lame person. Keep it more informational?if those who already know about the topic are dynamic.

It’s recommended to write in simple words, keep the paragraphs short and neat.

  1. Always give time to proofread

It's possible that not properly editing your material will harm your audience. No one will read text that is riddled with errors.

The primary round of editing should consist of removing and replacing sentences that do not flow with the rest of the content.

The second round of editing should focus on correcting spelling, grammar, and punctuation mistakes.

8. Find a calm place to work- Writing requires focus so avoid distractions as much as possible. Find the perfect environment and equipment that will increase your productivity.

Find a noise cancellation headphone or if possible find a co-working location membership. With a good working table and chair and a quiet location, you will be more productive with your writing creativity.

Recommended Resource- I recommend using Grammarly to check your content for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors.

Reading is the subject of the third round. Finally, review your draft to ratify that everything appears to be in order.

When you want to know how to be a content writer with no experience and want to start your career as a content writer, you can follow these to get started.

When you have no experience and you are applying for a job, you might feel frustrated that your turn may never come. But that does not mean you won’t be able to become successful in this career.

You need to know the essentials of how to get steady, high-paying clients with no experience at all. You have to put extra effort to stand out of the crowd.

When you are looking for a content writing job with no experience you need to have some traits and materials ready.

A PC or laptop: A PC or laptop you need to start when you begin content writing. Remember you need to type things appropriately.

Proper seating: If you think that you are going to freelance so you can do it sitting on your couch. NO! It’s recommended to invest in a proper sitting arrangement whether you are working on a PC or laptop.

Business account: When you are about to start a freelance or part-time content writing you need to open a business account to make transactions with your clients.

Email: You need to set up a business email address where you can talk to your clients.

Skype or other video call app: Some clients may ask you to talk to them face-to-face, so it’s better to install any famous video calling app.

These are the basic tool you need to start as a freelance writer with no experience.

Motivation: As freelance content writing is a solo job, you need to be self-motivated to do your work in the best way possible. By doing this you are earning money from home so you need to keep yourself up and right to work.

Face the situation: For lots of beginners, it's a bit challenging to put things in place as many of them are a bit shaky but as a freelance writer you must have to talk to your clients and start writing.

But before you put yourself in the field of content writing you have to learn certain things to start your career.


Taking on freelance jobs is a great way to dip your toes into the content writing pool. Companies are increasingly subcontracting their content writing needs to freelance writers, and such possibilities may be found on sites like Fiverr, Freelancer, WorknHire, Upwork, and others. You may expand your knowledge and portfolio over time as a freelancer, and you may work at your own speed.


If you're a student who wants to make some passive income through content writing, you can begin by doing internships with organizations (online or offline) or contributing to magazine and newspaper pieces. Such internships can make you treat yourself with some goodies. But internships are not just for students to earn some money.

If you are serious about making your content writing career flourish, you can enroll for internships as it might prove to be useful when pursuing your career.


Blogging can be the very first step if you want to know how to be a content writer with no experience. At present many youngsters are blogging. You need to set up a blogging site for free. You can just work as you want and for that, you don’t need certain qualifications.

You are just required to write in a unique style that can attract your target audience to read through. It is a win-win prospect for those who want to become content writers without experience.

Even though you are not capable to monetize your blog, it is a simple way to develop your portfolio and experiment with different writing styles.

Recommended Resource- To start your own blog you can set up an account for free on Blogger or if you have some budget and want to look a little bit professional you can buy WordPress hosting with one year of free domain registration from Bluehost.

Additional qualifications

Additional qualifications are required for writing as a subject matter expert. Higher education enhances your capacity to integrate information and add your proficiency, and you may use it to supplement your writing talents as you become older.

Only a technically qualified individual can appropriately do research and present technical data. Most of the material writing for an automobile manufacturing sector would be done by engineers, and a medical college book would entail proofreading by a qualified subject matter expert in it.

Certification program

Certification programs and short-term courses in writing, content marketing, and digital marketing can be a great way to know how to be a content writer with no experience. You can add these certifications with your graduate or post-graduate degrees if you want to take up content writing as a career.

There are several courses like SEO, Content Management system, copywriting, and others that can be done. These courses help you enhance your writing abilities as well as your professional marketability. These are suggested since content authoring is becoming more competitive as the need for it grows.

Prospect of content writing in India

MNCs, start-ups, organizations, and even individuals hire content writers as full-time writers and freelancers. You can join as:

  • Copywriters
  • Content developers
  • SEO writers
  • Bloggers
  • Proofreaders
  • Resume writers
  • Academic writers
  • Technical writers


It is suggested to choose any short-term content writing courses if you want to make a serious career in writing. These courses aid you to sharpen your skills and guidelines to know the opportunities of the current digital world. You can enroll for ghostwriting, copywriting, or creative writing which suits best with your interest.

Here are some of the tips for aspiring content writers that give them a boost in confidence and help them become top content writers shortly.

Choose a niche

If you're new to content writing, you'll need to identify a specialty that will help you rank well in search engines. To obtain visibility, it is critical to select a specific market. For beginners, you'll need to conduct considerable research and identify keywords with minimal competition.

To get people to notice your work, you'll need the traffic to your website or blog at first. If your website does not appear in search engines, your target reader will be unaware that it exists.

For that reason, selecting a beneficial nature with little competition but high search volume is crucial.

The following are some of the niches available to new content writers

  • Tech review
  • DIY
  • Home décor
  • Pet care
  • Fitness and health
  • Relationship advice
  • Travel
  • Digital Marketing
  • Online Business

Begin your keyword research

Once you've decided on a market, you'll need to seek keywords that score well in search engines and are relevant to your specialty. On Google, keywords are phrases or groups of words that are most appropriate to your target audience.

When you take it in your article, Google recognizes the topic of your article. Google ranks your content in its SERP pages based on the quality of the post.

Suppose you have chosen health and fitness as a topic of your content, your keywords may be

How to keep your body fit, Fitness goals, Fitness tips, Healthy foods for fitness

How to be a content writer with no experience? Among the top requirements to be a content writer Keyword research is the most critical component of the entire content creation process. It's even more crucial for beginners who are just getting started with content writing.

Spend some time figuring out which keywords are the most popular. This is a straightforward procedure. When you input your niche into a keyword tool such as Ubersuggest, it generates a list of possible keywords.

On the other hand, you can look through the SERP pages and read the articles that appear on the first two pages of Google. Your niche's set of words could be your niche's keywords.

Look through different platforms to determine the target audience

Exploring various digital media platforms is one of the most important article writing ideas for beginners. This will give you a good indication of who your target reader will be.

If you publish a high-quality article but no one reads it, the entire purpose of writing the content is meaningless. Digital tools such as Yahoo Answers, Reddit, and social media channels can help you figure out who your target audience is.

When you look at these postings on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, you'll be able to deduce specific information about your target reader.

Suppose, if you choose a field like online marketing, your reader persona will most likely be between the ages of 21 and 35. This is the point at which experts decide to take the plunge and start their businesses. It is also a time when recent grads choose their career paths.

To appeal to the sensitivities of your reader and make an effect as a writer, you'll need to modify your work according to their persona. The most essential aspect of writing, whether you're a greenhorn or a seasoned pro, is to connect with your target audience. Only then will you be able to build trust. This will increase traffic and encourage repeat visits.

Spend time coming up with a catchy headline

If you ask any renowned content writer about how to be a content writer with no experience? they will unquestionably point out the significance of headlines among the other points. The most essential benefit of headlines is that they assist in capturing the attention of your intended audience. Your headlines are where you'll obtain your leads.

Always allocate time to creating headlines, preferably five or more. Then you may compare the headlines and choose the one that best fits your content copy.

After you've finished writing your entire piece, you can focus on the title. A program like CoSchedule's Headline Analyzer can also assist you in shaping which headlines will attract the most attention.

Make a persuasive CTA

Content writing isn't just for target audiences to read and then forget about. It's all about adding value to your readers' lives by assisting them in making the best decision possible about a product or service.

The words "call to action" encourage your readers to take the next step in your content marketing process. In general, a call to action urges your reader to make a decision based on the content they've just read.

It might be anything as simple as signing up for newsletters, receiving a free eBook, or staying informed about new developments. Examine the many CTAs used by reputable bloggers and businesses as a newbie in content creation.

Keep an eye on how they build the CTA. Take a close look at the word choice. Whatever your company's objectives are, CTA is essential to achieving them. They're crucial for increasing conversions and simplifying the marketing process.

Select a topic and writing style

You can write a listicle, a life hack, or a how-to about any topic you like. When creating content, take care to place your article according to your target audience's behavioral patterns and preferences.

Many people use style guides such as the AP style guide, the APA style guide, and the Chicago guide of style. These are guidelines for how you should utilize abridgments, punctuation, colors, word usage, grammar, tone design, and writing structure.

It is not, however, necessary to utilize a specific writing style. As long as your information is clear and you punctuate and provide clarity, the goal of producing value will be met.

Make internal links

Internal links should be included in your article for SEO purposes. Internal links always aid Google in determining the trustworthiness of your web pages and the structure of your content.

It supports your attempts to develop a successful search engine optimization strategy. Internal links allow your readers to travel to other pages on your website, giving them more opportunities to build trust and develop a sense of community.

If you want to know how to be a content writer with no experience then one attractive piece of advice will be to create your own portfolio or blog. Write numerous articles and link them internally and also with other relevant articles available on the internet.

Recommended Resouce- You can use WordPress hosting from Bluehost, which is beginner-friendly and easily manageable by a beginner.

Save time to write the content

When you first start writing content as a beginner, this is the most important aspect of your journey. You must maintain an SEO strategy while also attending to other matters.

But the most important thing is to create high-quality content that will serve as a fortress for your content marketing efforts. It will also qualify you to turn out to be a skilled content writer from the status of a novice.

Write Long-form content

This is one of the best greenhorn article writing techniques. To rank on search engines like Google, you must develop long-form content. Long-form content is always thought to be more in-depth and thorough.

A 1500-word content piece is more effective than a 500-word article. It will be recognized by Google as more profound and complete content. This will assist you in achieving a significantly higher search engine ranking.

It is recommended that you create material that is at least 1800-2000 words long. It will help you better clarify your points. Furthermore, it will assist you in providing more clarification on themes that may require examples, facts, or figures to support them.

Use active voice and appealing language

For newbies, this is a crucial article writing guidance. You must employ engaging words that positively affect your reader to attract your potential target audience.

It's also important to write as much as possible in the active voice. It creates the impression of a one-on-one chat with your target reader. This also aids in more clearly interacting and communicating with your target audience. It exudes a sense of purpose and efficiency, removing any possibility of ambiguity or doubt.

Learn how to use content writing tools

There are a plethora of online article writing tools available now that make our jobs easier. Whether it's a headline analyzer or proofreading software, they'll always assist you in producing more efficient content.

Like the Hemingway app, Grammarly, Portent, and Convert Cases, several tools can assist you in your content writing journey.

For newcomers, it's essential to grasp how to use these content writing tools. A newcomer to content writing should endeavor to learn everything they can about these useful tools and applications.

How to use these tools can be learned through a variety of videos and articles. You may always flick through these tutorials to improve your productivity by mastering the use of these tools.

Keywords should not be crammed in uselessly

This is a common blunder made by inexperienced article authors. Keywords are, without a doubt, an important aspect of the content production process. You will never rank on search engines if you do not incorporate keywords in your copy. This does not imply that you should use keywords carelessly in your writing.

Google will detect your material for its relevance and rank you on search engines based on your quality if you include terms that are comparable to your keywords.

Make sure your article is jam-packed with useful information

When you format your information properly, it has neatness and clarity to it. The basic line is that your content should provide a lot of value to your target audience. This is the only thing that will bring new and returning views to your article.

You're writing for people to find value in what you've written. This will give readers the information they need to make an informed decision based on your writing. Don't be sloppy write useful information that is backed up by facts and evidence when necessary.

Your content should elicit the emotion you want your target audience to experience. Curiosity, inspiration, and thoughtfulness are all emotions that your content should provoke in your target audience. Also, reduce the number of superfluous adjectives and adverbs by using enticing verbs.

To end with the ultimate guide about how to be a content writer with no experience, my most vital recommendation to any soon-to-be content writer is to keep exploring until you've satisfied your creative desires. `

So, I have tried to brief you about how to be a content writer with no experience. If?you visualize a future in content writing, don't be nervous to dive in, but only after a thorough assessment of your suitability for the job. If you're still unsure, you may always consult with a professional expert.

Odii Micorazon

Content Writer, Exploring the intersection of nursing, writing, and healthcare to create a positive impact ????

1 年

This is very helpful thank you so much



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