How to Be the Content King of Your Market

How to Be the Content King of Your Market

Why do most businesses fail?

Learning what makes businesses succeed will help you understand what can make your content blow up. That is because the internet, too, is a marketplace. Albeit, it’s one where content is the product, and attention is the currency.

Most businesses fail because they are not different enough.

Do you know what the first mass-marketed pizza was? It was a pepperoni pizza, brought to the American consumer after the second world war. Do you know what the most popular pizza topping is right now? Yes, it is pepperoni pizza. That’s the power of being first. Multiple generations have stayed loyal to pizza topping for over 75 years only because it was the first to the market.

This principle is also true for brands. The brands that win their customers’ hearts first have their loyalty. And that’s where the naivety of new businesses spells disaster. New business owners may look at Starbucks and think, ‘I can do that.’ But there is no way they can ever win the same consumer doing exactly what Starbucks is doing. It takes effort to switch loyalties. It is a risk to try another business. Why would a consumer put in that effort and shoulder the risk, no matter how small, for the same result? The math does not add up. And consequently, thousands of businesses trying to do the same thing as Starbucks, McDonald’s, and TGI Fridays go out of business every year.

Why does most content fail?

How is that relevant to your content? When you look at anyone who is putting content out there from Cardi B to Gary Vee, they are the pepperoni pizza. They are the Starbucks, the McDonald’s, and the TGI Fridays. If you try to do exactly what they are doing, you will not stay in the content business. The audience will not switch to you unless you do something different.

Do you want to know what overtook Starbucks in 2020? #DalgonaCoffee a home-whipped DIY drink made with instant coffee, sugar, water, and milk. The recipe went viral, garnering 10.9 million hits on Google in a few months, compared to Starbucks’s 4.67 million hits per year in business. Look at how many levels it was different on:

  1. Starbucks is a cafe chain, while Dalgona is a coffee drink recipe.
  2. Starbucks is a relatively premium experience, while Dalgona is an artistic expression.
  3. Starbucks is about signaling that you overspend on your drink, while Dalgona is about signaling that you can whip up a good looking drink yourself.

signaling that you can whip up a good looking drink yourself.

I hope that, with this article, you have soaked in the value of the difference in making your content (or business) relevant. Below are a few questions to ask yourself when coming up with your content strategy.

  1. Who is the content creator whose content I could be making if only I had gotten there first?
  2. Since I am not the first, how can I be different in a way that gives a similar audience more value?
  3. Out of all the possible ways this can be different, which one is the most authentic to me? (authenticity=sustainability).

I leave you in the love and in the light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, then, rejoicing in the power and the peace of your dreams.

Antonio T Smith Jr

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