How contagious is COVID-19?

Date: April 16, 2019

What are the numbers - today - for Minnesota?


One (1) out of every (135) Minnesotans (0.7%) has been tested.

41,675 people have been tested.

1,433 (4.6%) people have tested positive.

Since Minnesota began lockdown, the percentage of positive tests has GONE UP (64%) - from 2.8% to 4.6%.

0.034% of all Minnesotans have tested positive.

One (1) out every (2,944) Minnesotans has tested positive.

Minnesota population: 5,629,416

Who gets tested for COVID-19?


"Testing for COVID-19

" * People who do not have symptoms should not be tested for COVID-19. Due to national shortages of lab testing supplies, we do not have an unlimited capacity for testing.

" * We are currently prioritizing most testing for people who are hospitalized, health care workers, and people living or working in congregate living settings, such as nursing homes and others."

NOTE(1): It is likely that some people are tested more than once, and some people tested are not Minnesota residents.

NOTE(2): Several estimates posit that +40% of postive test results are "false positive" - which means that HALF of those positive tested people may, indeed, not have COVID-19.

How contagious is COVID-19?


