How To Construct Your Best Tool In 2025
Technology is advancing at a faster pace, following Moore’s law. Which states that the number of transistors on a microchip doubles every 18 months. Which means that our computing power has doubled every 18 months.
The software that can then harness that technology has increased right along with it. The image at the top of this article was generated by AI. Which, when you look closely, it’s quite right. But the concept of it gets at the heart of this article.
For a machine to create that image in literal seconds is truly incredible. The power of machines to now help us is cool. Like we are reliant on a word processor to spell check and help us put our thoughts down. Or our phones to communicate with the world.
These new innovations, just need to be utilized and harnessed. Because with each advancement, we have three choices. We can learn to master it and use it to our fullest advantage. We can figure out the basics and use it a simple tool. Or we can ignore it and continue on like we have as everyone passes us by.
Because the speed of advancement means that you have to move quickly. Now, not every tool is going to be one you’ll use. So choosing to leave some tools is okay. This is where the human element comes in. How well are you filtering through what’s out there? How much are you even looking for ways to improve?
I advocate often for thinking time. To sit down with your thoughts and a pen and work through the biggest problem you need to solve. What would make that one problem go away. Is there a single thing you need to do or 100 little things that would resolve it?
These human things, of using our minds to solve problems is a big part of what technology has removed. It’s replaced our minds. Our best asset. No matter how much technology adoption you have, don’t forget to use your mind and think.
Your thoughts create the world around you. So don’t let anything take control of that. Do let your thoughts help guide you. Do let technology assist you in creating the life you want to lead. Because now, that life can be built from anywhere and you’ll still be connected.
Today’s connection is instantaneous. In Andrew Carnegie’s later years of running US Steel (late 1800’s early 1900’s) he spent most of his time in Scotland. He received information about the goings’ on at his plant, just on a delay. Today, he would have been immediately available (if he so chose). Then again, that’s precisely why he chose to be so far from his plants. To not be immediately available and work on his own time frame.
Bottom Line: Think. Use your mind. Lift those mental weights to improve your thinking and your clarity.