How to Conquer Failure…Even When it Feels Impossible
Can you relate to the statement: “I’m scared that…I’ll fail!”?
I have talked about failure and how it is actually an opportunity to learn. We have to look at something that does not go the way we wanted it to as an opportunity. I have found that the best thing to do is take those “failures” and break them down.?
Take a piece of paper and write at the top your failure. Below,? just do a brain dump of the activities you put into whatever you failed at. Hopefully, you are already journaling your time and activities so you have a good starting point. However, if you don’t have a list, then no worries. I have a journal I am happy to send to you. Comment “journal” below and I will send it your way. This exercise will help you to identify what activities did not go your way and which ones did. You can identify opportunities through this process.
From there write down your thoughts about the tasks you performed; even those things you meant to do, but didn’t because those will come up too. Then, you will be able to see where the gaps lie and how your thoughts about those tasks kept you from accomplishing your goals. Then reflect on how logical those thoughts were and how you’re feeling about those things.?
It’s kind of interesting how your thoughts cause you to fear failure and how those thoughts you are entertaining reveal what’s in your mind. Most people are afraid of feeling an emotion and when we take time to think about the root cause of our fear, it is easier to find a solution.?
Again, I am happy to help you along this journey. I know it’s not easy to get started, but I promise it’s worth it. Comment “Journal” below to get my Live your Dream Life Journal…this is a great tool to help you identify your thoughts. If you do this activity please let me know. I can’t wait to hear feedback and help some of you through your journey of working through failures.