How to Connect with an Audience
Two days ago, I took one of the most boring photos of the year and it made an impact. Several people phoned me yesterday and 9 people sent me messages today.
I simply shot a photo of the grass…with just a hint of frost. Here is the tweet I sent to Lyndsay Morrison, Weather Specialist at CTV Kitchener.
My photo got noticed! There was my name and photo right in the 6PM News. It was the first frost in the area and people reacted.
There's a lesson here. Sometimes we spend too much time focusing on staging and production. I used my phone to take this photo and wasn't worried about lighting or best practices. I was simply the first one to bring attention to something. It was real and it was simple.
Working in advertising, I often hear clients say, "Can you make me look successful in the commercial?" My reply is always the same: "Genuinely connect with an audience and that is more important than looking successful. Let them see who you are and offer them something they need. That is enough."
In other words, if you spend your energy trying to look too polished, your impact will be diminished. You will be late to the party and your competitors will be ahead.
Jason Jackson. [email protected]
AdMission is my personal blog and is my way of sharing the lessons I learn in Advertising with those who want to improve.