How To Conjure That Elusive Flow State
I’m writing this from 30,000 feet.? Why?? Because I’ve found that, for me, there’s no place better to write than the seat of an airplane.?
Seriously, when I’m in that tight, uncomfortable chair, with nothing else to do, no wifi, no nothing, I write more prolifically than any place else on earth.?
I took a flight from San Francisco to Cabo this summer. It was only 2.5 hours, and I cranked out 4 entire blog posts.?
It’s like magic.? It works every time.
Now, why is the airplane such a productive place for me to write?? I think it comes down to this:
Now, as much as I’d like to travel constantly (seriously, traveling is one of my very favorite activities), I can’t.? It’s expensive.? It’s bad for the environment.? And I’ve got responsibilities (aka kids) and a budget that keep me home most of the time.
So, I got to thinking: How can I recreate this magical, uber-productive, airplane situation when I’m not, in fact, on an airplane?
And here’s what I’ve come up with:
I’ve since tried this several times and, OMG, it works!
Now, writing might not be your thing, but I’m sure you have other things that require your focus.? So try this:
Try it and let me know what you come up with!
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