Paul Carder
Co Founder BHiveLive | Renewables Industry Advocate | Director of Operations
All organisations across the globe have at some point or will at some point have to deal with internal conflict and resolve the issue. Lots of these issues get covered up or the people involved are asked "please keep this quiet".
Some issues are bad enough that it leads to policy change within the company, but some are bad enough it even leads to a lawsuit.
Trouble in the workplace can spread and spread fast if two parties are at war and we know, we're all human and we fall out from time to time over work issues.
This is why senior management want to keep things quiet as they dont need this bad feeling amongst a 2 people to spread to many.
Balancing the conflict and resolving it to ultimately to satisfy both parties is key.
So what is conflict?
Conflict is serious disagreement and argument about something important. If two people or groups are in conflict, they have had a serious disagreement or argument and have not yet reached agreement.
Why should you resolve conflict?
To find peaceful solutions to difficult situations. Full-blown battles use up resources, time, energy, good reputation and motivation. By negotiating, you avoid wasting these resources and you might actually learn something or have a better working relationship.
How should you resolve Conflict?
Firstly understand your oppositions / colleagues position over the issue, communicate the issue quietly and constructively to each other.
If you cannot communicate it quietly and need to let off steam because you are so emotional about this because it has got so bad, then that's ok too.
If you are watching someone having this burst of emotion do not react to it badly and suddenly creating a shouting match its just emotion.
Don't judge too early. Listen and see their emotion.
Now lets try turning the pressure down with constructive questioning.
If you dont understand the issue then find out more, learn and ask questions. For instance "why are you so angry about this can you tell me more please?" or "Im actually shocked you feel like this can you explain that more please"
Really listen to their answers and think about it for a second or two.
Or reply with something nice, "Thank you for explaining it more now let me see if I have understood you correctly" and repeat in a calm voice what they have just said. This way they know you have understood their position without having a shouting match.
That is you being an active listener.
If you are the one with the problem and not sure how to explain yourself or approach this, then say that at the beginning and that will show your colleague your not just having a rant about them or what they do. You do not want an argument, your confused about the situation.
Be constructive now and brainstorm ideas to solve the issue and if required get the opinion of a 3rd party, work colleagues or a line manager. Someone that can mediate for you both or better explain how to work through the problem that exists.
It doesn't have to be a battle, be prepared to bend and give a little before you start the discussion. Its called being reasonable.
You might need to find more than one idea or two or three before you find a solution that suits both parties and that may take time. Explore the alternatives as a team together and find the best solution for you all.
You know yourselves all the best solutions are normally the most practical ones.
If its going to take a bit of time do not say ahhh that will calm down and just go away as it will not. One person is bound to sit and fester with the problem so be proactive and get it sorted as soon as reasonably practical. Make specific time if required.
In Summary
In conflict resolution, the best solution is the solution that is best for both sides which is obvious. Of course, that's not always possible to find, but you should use all your resources to solve your conflict as smoothly and quickly as you can.
Remember if you are in a situation that requires you to bend your position or apologise its ok, its not costly and can often forge a better working relationship between the two of you.