How to Configure Storage Quotas for a Mailbox in Exchange Server?
Stellar Information Technology Pvt. Ltd.
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When you create a mailbox database in Microsoft Exchange Server, the storage quota for each mailbox in the database is set automatically. However, the default mailbox storage quota may not fit your organization’s requirements.
If a mailbox exceeds the storage quota, the user receives a notification from the server. Besides, reaching or exceeding the mailbox quota may also affect the email flow as the server cannot receive or send new messages due to low or no mailbox storage. This can lead to downtime and impact business continuity unless the user deletes the old emails to send or receive new ones or you (the admin) change the default mailbox storage quotas as per the users’ need.
In this article, you will learn the steps to configure and set the storage quotas for specific or all mailboxes and mailbox databases using the Exchange Admin Center (EAC) and the Exchange Management Shell (EMS).
Mailbox Database Storage Quotas for Mailboxes in Exchange Server
You can customize the mailbox storage quotas for specific or all mailboxes, control the mailbox sizes, and manage the mailbox database growth. Using the EAC or EMS, you can customize the following storage quotas for the mailboxes or mailbox databases in Exchange Server:
- IssueWarningQuota - When a mailbox reaches the Issue Warning Quota, an automatic warning message is sent to the user of the mailbox. However, users can continue to send and receive new emails.
- ProhibitSendQuota - When the Prohibit Send Quota limit is reached, the user cannot send an email. However, they can receive emails.
- ProhibitSendReceiveQuota - When the Prohibit Send Receive Quota limit is reached, the mailbox user can neither send nor receive new messages. Instead, a Non-Delivery Report (NDR) is returned to the email sender.
Configure Mailbox Database Storage Quota using Exchange Management Shell (EMS)
To check the default storage quota for the mailbox database, run the following PowerShell command in EMS:
Get-MailboxDatabase | fl Name,IssueWarning*,ProhibitSend*
In above example, the default storage quotas are set around the 2 GB limit. This may not be sufficient for most users. To increase the storage quotas’ limit, you can use the PowerShell commands in the Exchange Management Shell (EMS).
To set the storage quotas for a specific mailbox database, run the following command:
Get-MailboxDatabase "MBXDB01" | Set-MailboxDatabase -IssueWarningQuota "8GB" -ProhibitSendQuota "9GB" -ProhibitSendReceiveQuota "10GB"
You can also set the storage quotas for multiple mailbox databases using the following command:
"MBXDB01", “MBXDB02†| Set-MailboxDatabase -IssueWarningQuota "8GB" -ProhibitSendQuota "9GB" -ProhibitSendReceiveQuota "10GB"
Once you have set the new storage quotas for the mailbox databases, you can verify the changes using the following command:
Get-MailboxDatabase -IncludePreExchange | ft Name,IssueWarning*,ProhibitSend*
You can also set the Issue Warning, Prohibit Send, and Prohibit Send Receive storage quotas for specific mailboxes in the database using the following PowerShell cmdlet:
Set-Mailbox -Identity ravi.singh -IssueWarningQuota 30GB -ProhibitSendQuota 40GB -ProhibitSendReceiveQuota 50GB -UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults $false
Similarly, you can change the mailbox identity to set or configure mailbox storage quotas for other mailboxes.
Configure Mailbox Database Storage Quota using Exchange Admin Center (EAC)
To set or change storage quota for specific or multiple mailbox databases and all mailboxes in a database using the EAC, follow these steps:
- Log in to the Exchange Admin Center (EAC) and go to servers > databases.
- Select the mailbox database and click the edit icon.
- Click on the limits option. Change the quota limits in GB.
- Click Save.
Repeat the steps if you need to change the storage quota limit for another mailbox or all mailboxes in other databases.
To verify the changes,
- Open the Exchange Admin Center and go to recipients > mailboxes.
- From the list of mailboxes, click on any mailbox that you want to verify for the new storage quota limit and then click the Edit icon.
- Click Mailbox Usage > More options and verify the new storage quota settings for the selected mailbox.
Similarly, you can verify other mailboxes stored in the database for which you have changed the storage quota limits.
An Exchange administrator must configure or change the default mailbox storage quotas based on the organizations’ and users’ requirements to avoid send/receive errors and issues in email clients. In this article, we explained the stepwise process of verifying and configuring the default mailbox database storage quotas for specific or all mailbox databases using the Exchange Admin Center (EAC) and PowerShell cmdlets via Exchange Management Shell (EMS). You may also use the PowerShell cmdlets to define storage quotas for specific mailboxes in the Exchange Server database. In case you can’t set the quotas or encounter errors due to inconsistency or corruption in the database, you can use Stellar Repair for Exchange to recover and export the mailboxes to a new healthy database, which is already configured with new storage quota limits.