How to Configure Gmail SMTP Relay With Postfix #linuxtopic
Lokesh Carpenter
Server Reliability Engineer ( SRE ) with 13 Years of Experience | Linux | DevOps Tools | AWS | Ansible | GIT | SSL Certificate | Lift & Shift
Postfix configuration, postfix, How to Configure Gmail SMTP Relay With Postfix, postfix as smtp relay, configure postfix as smtp relay, postfix configure gmail as relay, configure postfix gmail smtp, send mail from gmail smtp server, linuxtopic, linux topic
In this topic we will send email from postfix to outside or external network using email relay, SMTP Relay is a protocol that allow to send email from localhost to external network.
Basic Information :
OS: CentOS 7 - 64bit
Hostname: .
Require Packages:
Configure Sendmail as Gmail SMTP Relay - Click Here..
Configure Postfix as Gmail SMTP Relay
To Install packages:
yum install postfix cyrus-sasl-plain cyrus-sasl-lib cyrus-sasl mailx