How the concise calls shape your decisions?
What is concise?
When an individual’s thoughts, and decisions affected by concise triggers and calls which tend to good, bad, or neutral feelings either based on the ground of the bondage, the level of attachment of the relationship or not.
Some of these feelings are exaggerated and overacted which are way different than the individuals’ intuition, hence its affect the decisions along.
What is intuition?
It’s the instinct of each individual based on conscious and subconscious thoughts and calls which tends to be true most of the time, however it’s not quit valid as it could change or maneuvered by others actions or surrounding events.
Finally, we all make many decisions way different than our intuitions or our true instinct.
Concise real and fake calls:
Concise shaped since the childhood and it depends on manners delivered by parents while raising their kids, and by getting older its affect his/her thoughts, perceptions, acceptance to people and life scenarios.
Concise has a big role on decision making as its transformed from thoughts and triggers from your conscious and subconscious mind which are favorable to some individuals than others, based on your trust level or the surrounded communities.
Real calls: ?
When you know that these calls are the result of opposing actions by other parties aligned to the situation.
When your intuition, instinct, and concise triggers all attached and relying on the same facts then you should obey these calls and make the appropriate decisions to contain situation and feelings, otherwise it could be a form of hallucinated thought with no ground base.
Fake Calls:
When you suffer paranoid and unstable concise calls, your thoughts and actions are rebounded and bombarded every now and then than the initial triggers, hence you feel insecure, and can’t think with a clear foresight as you rely on feelings instead of the real facts.
When you face these kind of fluctuations of feeling that’s mean that your concise triggers, intuitions, and instinct are in different directions which definitely will lead to poor decisions, and relapsing thoughts along.
Why It’s vital to control your empathy and kindness?
Being kind and empath person is a pure nature of humankinds without scattered or bad flows.
However, when you exaggerate these feeling to the wrong people you will keep losing along the way as your true instinct, and perception are distracted by fake concise calls, hence it affects your last decision then being trapped to un projected blames and denials to your resolution and decisions taken by yourself or others.
Before following your concise calls and being driven to kindness and empathy to others, go retroactive to what have been done by yourself and them priory, and it’s better to calculate your future gains and forecast your challenges before sharing any of these feelings, in order to avoid unneeded drama, sorrow which you will build by delivering inappropriate feelings which tend to poor decisions.
Remember it’s your responsibility in the first place, so it’s better to evaluate and think wisely, before showing any empathy or kindness to anyone.
How bad experiences affect your concise and decision making?
Every day comes with some good and bad experiences and it shape your traits, characteristics, patterns, and attributes in order to be compatible for the coming events.
It’s better to face each challenge aside than what you have experienced lately, as while facing similar challenges many of us lean to bad thoughts based on your bad experience, than controlling and maneuvering these thoughts by what you have learned from our past experience, and think positive than attracting negative scenarios throughout your way.
Exaggerating your control affect the way you handle challenges and your perception toward new opportunities.
Your concise and intuition triggers might change based on what you have gained or lost priory, and it will play the role of the black hole of your life that ban your elevation and moving forward process as you don’t have any bright foresight or sight to any new opportunities as the threats on each opportunity are on the mind back yard.
My advice is to live trusting your intuition, concise, and instinct, and evaluate each action done by you or others to be able to know the consequences along than projecting on bad experience.
And live your life phases without looking to your past experiences as it will ruin your present, and attract what you feared the most, even while having all the controls in place.
How to evaluate, assess, and control your concise triggers?
List all your concise triggers along with the reasons aligned to each.
List all your instinct triggers with all the reasons even if it’s not reliable.
Assess yourself based on all actions taken by you and assess your concise triggers’ Strength, opportunities, threats, and weaknesses.
Evaluate each and connect them by your targeted criteria, and it’s vital to use binary methods to weigh these feelings, thoughts, and triggers to know what are matching your needs out of them, and fit your current version,
At this point you will know what are the real or fake concise calls, and what is the best decision to be taken at your end.
How your unstable triggers are the perfect tool for aggressors?
Aggressors are manipulators who use their illusions on others in order to direct their victim’s concise triggers to push their victim for blames and delusions to go for false feelings, and triggers toward their aims.
Aggressors will always act kind to fool their victim in order to change his/her plan for their own favors then the victim get confused after a while to know the reasons of his/her hard times and experience denials along.
Following your institution alone will be a form of meanness as you are living for your own only. ???
Trusting your instinct is a form of aggressiveness as you are relying on what you feel than relying on the facts.
Trusting your concise triggers is risky as you will go through one plan based on your feelings without ensuring others intentions, interactions toward the same issue.
Finally, it’s better to ensure the stability and the ground base of your intentions, and triggers, in order to know the best way to handle situations and make efficient decisions.