How Complex PTSD Is Helped by NLP
Dr Bridget Kirsop
Chief Unsticker Certified Master Trainer and NLP Master Coach at Dr Bridget NLP Ltd Getting rid of Internal Blocks and self sabotage in business owners in 2 days
I’m really interested in the label complex PTSD.
Over the last 12 years I’ve been working with people on getting rid of symptoms due to trauma. During this time, I’ve found that the label of ‘Complex PTSD’ is often used with the saying, “It’s really difficult to treat it and it’s going to be many years before people get over that”.?However, when I work with people who fall into that category of PTSD I?look at symptoms and help people to get rid of the symptoms.
I did a blog last week on whether labels are helpful or not and why labels can be unhelpful. I don’t think the label of ‘Complex PTSD’ is particularly helpful other that to identify what is going on.?I prefer to think of complex PTSD as a series of behaviours, and when you look at the definition of complex PTSD it’s the symptoms that people experience, following multiple long-term repeated trauma, or continuous trauma.
The causes of Complex PTSD
The causes are often due to things like abandonment, bullying, abuse, or trauma of any kind, and it often tends to start in childhood. I regularly work with people who’ve had traumatic experiences that happened to them in the first ten years of their life that are now giving them symptoms that are affecting them going forward.
It’s also caused by repeated exposure to trauma such as people who work in ambulance services and people who deal with very traumatic experiences on a regular basis can have these symptoms.
How the brain deals with traumatic experiences
What happens is the memories don’t get processed, and they get stuck in the fight and flight part of the brain and then, as the brain tries to process them, you get the symptoms being expressed. This leads to symptoms like flashbacks, heightened awareness, avoidance of things, and fear.
How I work with people with Complex PTSD
I help people who have these symptoms by doing some?Breakthrough coaching. We use Time Line Therapy??and Reconsolidation of Traumatic Memories (RTM). This puts the memories in the bits of the brain where they should be so these memories then becomes just a story. People then have a nice quiet mind and can move on and do whatever they want to do in their life.
I thought it was important to share this with you. If?you either have those sort of symptoms or you’ve been given the label of PTSD?or you know people who have, and are not functioning in their life as a result, then let me know.
People that I work with have no symptoms following therapy, as their memories are stored in different bits of the brain. They’re feeling completely different –?they’ve got goals, they know they can get their goals, they’ve got self-belief, self-worth and they’re getting on with their life.
I’d love people to be more aware of the results they can have, so spread the word around. Other therapies on a statistical basis are a lot less effective than Time Line Therapy??and Reconsolidation of Traumatic Memories (RTM) and I just love working with people to see the difference that it causes and their ability to move on with their life.
I do a free half hour if you want to talk about symptoms or if someone else wants to then just give them my website details so they can find the form to?get in touch.
Until next week
Dr Bridget